

作者: 小婧视野 | 来源:发表于2020-12-07 21:41 被阅读0次

    作者:    1. Amandine Erktan  2.Melanie M. Pollierer  3.Stefan Scheu  翻译者:小婧




    Did you ever notice that dead leaves never accumulate in forests? For that service, we can thank a cleaning team of tiny recyclers living in the soil. Dead organisms are their food source, and they recycle them by just eating them. Knowing who eats what or whom in soils is essential to understand this recycling machinery. But that is hard to know, because many soil animals are tiny, hidden in the soil, and unable to tell us what they ate! To bypass these difficulties, soil ecologists have developed a special method. They track specific markers of bacteria, fungi, and plants in the fat of animals and hence can identify what they fed on. Some animals consume a large variety of food sources, others are more specific. Remarkably, many organisms have developed amazing strategies to feed in soil, because finding food in such a dark maze is not that easy!


    Have you ever noticed that we never see huge piles of dead leaves accumulating in the forest? It is also very rare to encounter a dead animal lying on the forest floor. That should encourage us to ask the question, “who is cleaning the forest floor?” In cities, city workers remove all the dead leaves. In the forest, the work is done by a team of tiny recyclers living in the soil. For these small soil animals, dead organisms are a food source and they recycle leaves and other dead things by just eating them. When the soil animals defecate (meaning poop) they release nutrients that can be used by plants to grow. Or, small soil animals are eaten by larger animals, and that allows the bigger animals to grow. This process allows the recycling of nutrients and is essential to help plants grow. It is also very important for humans, as plants provide us with plenty of goods, such as foods like vegetables, cereals, and fruits, and also wood to build furniture and houses. Understanding who consumes what in soil is essential to understand this precious recycling machinery.


    WHAT KIND OF FOOD IS IN SOIL … AND WHAT IS A SOIL FOOD WEB?(土壤里有什么类型的植物—以及什么是土壤食物网?)

    土壤里有什么食物呢?如果你在森林里挖土,你肯定不会挖掘到一盘肉酱意面!当然,在这里我们不是来谈这一类食物的!在土壤中,基本的食物来源是植物和其他生物体的死亡组织(任何大小的枯叶或土壤生物体)以及植物的根((见下文图片1 A项)),这些基本的食物主要是由细菌和真菌所消耗(就是被细菌和真菌吃掉),它们被称为初级消费者。在此补充一下初级消费者的定义:(生物学意义上,根据不同的取食地位,直接依赖植物的枝、叶、果实、种子和凋落物为生的称为初级消费者,也被称为“一级消费者”)而真菌和细菌本身是较大生物如原生植物、线虫、春笋和螨类的主要生物来源(大约0.1–2 mm; 见图1).,这些较大的生物又被更大的捕食者如蜈蚣和蜘蛛(几毫米的大小)吃掉(见图片1  B项)。同时蚯蚓主要以真菌和细菌为食,但它们以一种更特殊但方式,将细菌和真菌连同土壤一起吃掉见图片1  B项)。这就有点像你把盘子里的食物和盘子一起吃掉一样!

    What kind of food is in the soil? If you dig in soil in the forest, you would not find a plate with spaghetti Bolognese! We are not talking about this kind of food, of course! In soil, the basic food sources are dead tissues from plants and other organisms (dead leaves or dead soil organisms of any size), and plant roots (Figure 1A). These basic food sources are mainly consumed by bacteria and fungi, which are called primary consumers.  Fungi and bacteria themselves are the main food source for larger organisms, such as protists, nematodes, springtails, and mites (about 0.1–2 mm; Figure 1).These organisms again are eaten by larger predators (a few millimeters in size), such as centipedes and spiders (Figure 1B). Earthworms also mainly eat bacteria and fungi, but in a special way, they eat them together with soil (Figure 1B). This is a bit like if you ate the food on your plate together with the plate!

    Figure 1 图1:- Organisms in a typical soil food web.(典型的土壤生物网中的生物)

    (A) A food web contains basic food sources, like plant roots and dead organisms, as well as primary and secondary consumers and a selection of predators. Arrows indicate who consumes what or whom. Note that primary consumers are a food source for secondary consumers, which themselves are a food source for predators.  一个食物网包含基本的食物来源,如植物的根部和死亡的生物体,以及初级和次级消费者和一些捕食者。箭头表示谁吃谁和谁吃什么。注意:初级消费者是次级消费者的食物来源,而次级消费者本身也是捕食者的食物来源。

    (B) Here you can see examples of soil primary and secondary consumers as well as predators.


    尽管一些土壤动物,如弹尾虫、线虫主要以吃细菌和真菌等微小的生物为食,但它们也可以以植物组织,尤其是根部或根部所释放的营养液为食。总而言之,土壤中有许多食物来源,多到从植物组织到动物组织,从死亡生物到活体动物,且大多数土壤生物体都会食用其中的几种食物。所有的关于“谁吃了谁”以及“谁吃了什么”的环节,称为“土壤食物网”(soil food web)。(见图片1 A项)

    Although some soil animals, such as springtails or nematodes, mainly eat tiny living creatures like bacteria and fungi, they can also eat plant tissue, notably the roots or the nutritious liquid roots release. Altogether, there are many food sources in soil, ranging from plant to animal tissues and from dead to living organisms, and most soil organisms consume several of these food sources. All the links of who consumes what or whom is called a soil food web. (Figure 1A).





    Despite all the research that has happened in the last decades, researchers still know little about who consumes what or whom in soil. This lack of knowledge is because soil animals are tiny, hidden in the soil, and cannot tell us what they ate! To know who consumes what in the soil, researchers must act as detectives.They developed a curious method: they study the fat of soil animals (Figure 2). When you eat something, the food serves as a source of energy, so you can grow and be active.However, you cannot use all the energy at once, so your body must store it for later use. How is energy stored? When we eat more than we need at that moment, the body builds up fat as an energy-storage tissue. The fat will later be “burned” for energy when we need it.For both humans and animals, it is even easier for the body to take up and store the fat that is already in the food, instead of making new fat. Now, the trick is that not all fat is the same! Bacteria, fungi, and plants have different types of fat,and researchers can track these so-called fatty acid markers in the animals that consumed these food sources. So, in the end, we can identify if the fat stored in an animal has come from bacteria, fungi, or plants—and thus know what they ate.

    Figure 2 - Determining what soil organisms eat by looking at fatty acid markers.图2--通过观察脂肪酸标记物从而确定土壤中的生物吃什么。

    (A)Soil animals have different types of fats in their bodies, depending on the food sources they eat, such as bacteria, fungi, or dead leaves. 土壤动物如细菌、真菌或枯叶等,根据它们所吃的食物来源不同,它们体内的脂肪种类也不同。

    (B)The fats can be extracted (removed) from these animals in the form of fatty acids.这些脂肪可以以脂肪酸的形式从这些动物身上提取(去除)

    (C)Those fatty acids can then be analyzed using a piece of equipment called a gas chromatograph. The data from the gas chromatograph allows researchers to identify which foods the soil organisms ate 这些脂肪酸可以用一种叫做气相色谱仪的设备进行分析。通过气相色谱仪的数据,研究人员可以确定土壤中的生物吃了哪些食物。




    通过研究土壤植物的脂肪,研究人员发现,许多弹尾虫喜欢以真菌为食,但也可以吃细菌或植物。正因为它们可以吃不同类型的食物,所以它们被认为是“食物的通才(food generalists ”,这意味着如果你请它们吃饭,想让它们得以满足并不困难。有些生物体是“食物专家”,它们往往只吃一种食物。例如:有些线虫喜欢吃细菌,而有些线虫则喜欢吃真菌。甚至有些捕食性的线虫会去吃其他线虫。每一类的线虫都有着不一样的嘴形,这些嘴形就是为了专门吃某一种食物。

    By studying the fat of soil animals, researchers discovered that many springtails preferably feed on fungi, but can also eat bacteria or plants. Because they can eat different food sources, they are consideredfood generalists. This means that they are not difficult to satisfy if you invite them for dinner! Some other organisms arefood specialistsand tend to eat only one thing. For example, some nematodes prefer eating bacteria, while others prefer fungi. There are even predatory nematodes that eat other nematodes! Each class of nematode has a different mouth shape, specific for eating a certain type of food.





    Soil is dark. Have you ever tried to eat your dinner in the dark? It is not that easy to find where the food is. Soil animals have the same problem. Eyes do not work in the soil, so many soil animals do not even have them. By contrast, most soil animals have very fine “noses.” For example, nematodes, springtails, and earthworms are very efficient at smelling their food. They can detect the location of food and move toward it. Nematodes can “smell” bacteria up to 50 cm away and reach them in 2 weeks . This is a considerable distance for a nematode, as these little worms are usually only a few hundred microns long (1 micron= 0.001 mm; for comparison, the width of a human hair is 100 microns). This would be like humans being able to smell food from about 70 km away!

    土壤里不仅漆黑一片,而且是一个迷宫,土壤生物不能在其中自由活动。土壤就像是一块有着大大小小的孔的海绵。细菌等较小的生物体一般为1-2微米,可以“躲”在小孔中。例如:我们知道如果细菌位于小于2-3微米的孔中(见图1)原生生物是无法抵达细菌猎物的。线虫也是同样的情况,线虫不能吃位于小于30微米洞孔中的细菌(见图3 A项)。土壤中的洞孔越小,细菌就越能藏在其中以防止被捕食者发现并吃掉。但是,尽管存在这些问题,捕食者还是发展出了捕食策略。例如:变形虫是具有柔软身体的原生生物。它的身体可以接受任何形状的洞口(见图3B)(就是不管洞口多大,它都可以毫无阻碍地钻进去。)可以将一条又细又长的 "手臂"伸进小洞里捕捉隐藏的细菌。春尾虫则有一个不同的战略,它们根本不怎么挑剔它们所吃的食物—它们是食物的“通才”。它们可以吃细菌和真菌,也可以吃枯叶和线虫(见图3C)。这则取决于它们爬行过的土壤中有什么可获取的东西,(它们可以吃这吃那,毫不挑剔)这种灵活性有助于它们每天都有东西吃。蚯蚓则受土壤中获取食物的艰难条件影响较小。这些动物直接摄取土壤,使得它们能够在土壤迷宫中轻松地寻找获取食物。此外,它们还可以消化细菌和真菌,以及 随土壤摄入的植物死物。当蚯蚓排便时,那些未被消化的遗留物一般情况下会形成小碗状的土壤。

    Soil is not only dark, it is also a maze, through which soil organisms cannot freely move. Soil is like a sponge with larger holes and smaller holes. The smaller organisms, such as the bacteria, typically measure 1–2 microns and can “hide” in small holes. For example, we know that protists (Figure 1) cannot reach bacterial prey if the bacteria are located in holes smaller than 2–3 microns  (Figure 3A). The same applies to nematodes, which cannot eat bacteria located in holes with openings smaller than 30 microns  (Figure 3A). The smaller the holes in soil, the more the bacteria can hide in them and avoid being caught and eaten by predators.But predators have developed strategies to feed despite these problems. For example, amoebae (the plural of “amoeba”) are protists with soft bodies that can adopt any shape (Figure 3B). Amoebae can extend a very thin and long “arm” into small soil holes to catch hidden bacteria [5]. Springtails have a different strategy: they are simply not very picky about the food sources they consume—they are food generalists.They can eat bacteria and fungi, but also dead leaves and nematodes(Figure 3C). Depending on what is available in the small holes of the soil they are crawling through, they eat one food source or another. This flexibility helps them to have something to eat every day. Earthworms are less affected by the difficulties of accessing food in the soil.These animals directly ingest soil, enabling them to search for and access food easily in the soil maze (Figure 3D).Moreover, they can digest bacteria and fungi, as well as dead plant material that is ingested with the soil. When earthworms poop, the undigested leftovers typically form small bowls of soil.

    Figure 3 - Animals have developed ways to deal with the difficulty of feeding in the dark soil.


    (A)Small holes in the soil provide a place for tiny soil organisms (nematodes, protists, and bacteria) to hide from the animals that eat them. 在土壤中的小洞孔为土壤中的小型生物体(线虫、原生生物和细菌)提供了一个可躲避被其他动物吃掉的地方。

    (B)To reach its prey, an amoeba (a type of protist) can extend an arm 20 microns long and 1 micron thin to catch bacteria hidden in small soil holes. 为了接近猎物,变形虫(原生动物的一种)可以伸出一条长20微米、薄1微米的“手臂”来捕捉隐藏在小土洞中的细菌。

    (C)Springtails are flexible in the food sources they consume, allowing them to have something to eat each day.  春尾鱼的食物来源很灵活(不单一),这使得它们每天都有东西吃。

    (D)Earthworms ingest soil along with their food and digest the bacteria and fungi contained in the ingested soil. This also creates a path through the soil maze, making it easier for them to travel through it. Remember 1 micron is 1,000 times smaller than 1 mm蚯蚓在摄取食物的同时也摄取土壤,并消化摄取土壤中的细菌和真菌。这也为它们在土壤迷宫中创造了一条道路,使它们更容易穿越土壤迷宫。记住:1微米比1毫米小1000倍!




    Feeding in soil is like finding food in a dark maze. To understand who eats whom in the soil darkness below our feet, soil ecologists have to act as real detectives and using all sorts of complicated techniques, either in the forest or in the laboratory. Now that you know what it is like to feed in soil, you will never look at soil animals in the same way!









