今晚孩子让我看那两个八年级数学时,开始我不会,看了一下 ‘整式的乘法’这一章理论,再搜了答案,开始有些不明白,最后我会了,好高兴!感觉自己还行,总结是因为自己对基本概念理解不够深刻,决定后边继续钻研下去!等孩子再问我时能帮到她。加油!
Tonight, when my child asked me to read those two eighth grade mathicon classes, I didn't know how to do it at first. I looked at the theory in the chapter 'Multiplication of Integrals' and then searched for the answers. At first, I didn't understand, but in the end, I did. I'm so happy! I feel like I'm okay, but in summary, I didn't have a deep understanding of basic concepts, so I decided to continue researching later! When the child asks me again, I can help her. Come on!