

作者: 祥祥布鲁斯 | 来源:发表于2020-05-26 21:51 被阅读0次


    CHANGING A CORPORATE CULTURE is a big task. Adopting an improvisational “Yes, and . . . ” attitude and introducing it to a workplace that hasn’t been running in accordance with that philosophy can certainly seem daunting. Again, the purpose of this book is not to provide a pleasant, improv-oriented escape from the average workday. A prescriptive book—or an experiential-learning program—is only as good as the ways you can actually put it to use. I want to be sure that after you read this book and, I hope, experience the benefits of improv, you will know exactly how to take what you’ve learned directly to work.


    To that end the concepts of transferability, applicability, and sustainability are extremely important. This chapter will focus exclusively on these concepts and address ways to apply improv techniques on a personal level, interpersonal level, and team level. Then we’ll shift to the arena of putting improv practices in place to hold others accountable for following the rules, principles, philosophy, and shared language of the improvisational corporate culture.


    If you’ve been intrigued enough by the promise of improvisation  to read this far, then it’s time to consider how improvisation will actually work for you when you put the book down and head to your office tomorrow. It’s time to think about how you can, step by small step, initiate positive change in your energy, your communication, your peers,and your workplace. Perhaps that sounds like a lot to take on. Fair enough. Then again, how do you eat an elephant?One bite at a time.


    Talk to Me跟我说话

    We started this book by focusing on personal development because any change that you’re going to initiate has to start with your own behavior. Pay attention to the person staring back at you in the mirror.And talk to yourself.


    At the end of my programs I use an accountability exercise that requires participants to team up and vocalize exactly what they’ve learned in the program and how they are going to use that. I do this to address a primary concern, which is the almost unavoidable gap between mind and mouth—an inherent disconnect that often takes place between our thinking and our speaking. Actors experience this all the time when trying to memorize and perform monologues, just as most business professionals might when trying to present off of a slide deck. 


    As humans we can hear or read something and understand it fully; however, when we try to express those thoughts to someone else, there can be a great deal of stumbling and fumbling over our words to the point that what we’re trying to express fails to convey our thoughts with significant weight or clarity. This is especially true the first time we try to explain an experience we haven’t put into words before. Those stumbles can become major detriments if we are trying to lead or teach in any capacity .


    Some of this stumbling comes from a very natural performer’s anxiety that most of us experience at some point. In the theater an actor may have a complete and thorough understanding of a monologue as he reads it on the page. As soon as those words must be spoken without the support of the page—performed that is—that monologue becomes an entirely different beast requiring a full range of vocal nuances and emotional choices in order to be properly presented. 


    If the actor makes the mistake of listening to his voice speaking the words rather than allowing the monologue (message) to flow from his lips organically, that performance is going to be, as we say in show business, an epic fail. That kind of awkwardness doesn’t just happen on a stage of course. All of us who have ever been midspeech, midpresentation, or mid–conference call and have found ourselves focusing on the sound of our own voice—rather than the expression of our thoughts—know the awful feeling of having our thoughts derailed and the effectiveness of our communication diminished, if not totally squandered.


    Happily the solution to the mind–mouth gap is simple: practice.Practice saying what you want to say, alone and aloud. Talking to yourself might seem a little silly at first. However, this is exactly how actors practice vocally expressing the written word. Once you get used to actually saying what you want to say, you set yourself up for success when it’s time to express your ideas to other people. Further,by speaking your objectives for, say, a collaborative meeting aloud,you also start putting into play some subtle accountability practices for yourself. 


    You are much more likely to hold yourself to words you have spoken out loud rather than something that could be considered a passing, unspoken thought. And when you speak your goals aloud you’re asking listeners, without actually having to ask, to hold you to a new level of accountability. Others are more likely to hold you accountable to what you’ve actually avowed out loud as opposed to something conveyed as part of a larger group e-mail. 


    One of the goals here is for you to figure out how to express to others, directly and specifically, that you have a plan for better communication and that your strategy for accomplishing that mission is to embrace improvisational techniques. Once you’ve practiced what you want to preach enough to be comfortable and confident, you’ve taken a great (very easy) first step toward having a positive impact on the culture around you.


    It may take a few chewy bites of the elephant to get to that point, though. Most conscientious workers don’t just assume that the right words will come to them when it’s time to make an important presentation; they practice and practice until the precise ideas they wish to communicate flow as effortlessly as possible. If you’re going to introduce what may be seen as a significant change in your workplace culture, you want to be just as well practiced. So don’t doubt the power of specific, purposeful vocalization. Saying out loud, “I know what I want to say” is not at all the same thing as actually practicing the exact words you want to say.


    Start by practicing in the comfort of your own home—maybe yourown shower. Tell your shampoo bottle exactly how you are about tolead an improvisational meeting. Explain divergent and convergentthinking to the hair conditioner. If you stumble, self-audit for a moment, regroup, and reapproach. Think about what you want to communicate, then give it another go until the words flow like water. Havea “Yes, and” conversation with a significant other (if this can takeplace in the shower as well, more power to you).


    Logically enough if you get comfortable saying something out loud, then you’re going to be comfortable saying it out loud. The bonus is that even if you think you fully comprehend something, when you take the step of successfully putting it into your own words—and speaking those words out loud to communicate meaning to other people—you develop another level of comprehension. Once you’re in a position to articulate your thoughts to others, your understanding of those thoughts deepens.


    The hidden benefit of vocalizing goals to a partner is that it creates an accountability practice. By telling someone specifically what you want to do and when, where, why, and how you want to do it,you put yourself in the line of fire, and by declaring it you will more likely practice what you preach. This creates the level of ownership often needed for leadership. If you desire to make an impact back in your workplace, at some point you are going to have to articulate to someone else what you have learned, and that’s exactly what we are practicing. If you are going to initiate change one of the questions almost guaranteed to come your way is, “Why are we doing this?”


    Before you answer that to a coworker or team in a real-world setting,it helps to know that you as an individual have a solid, well-rehearsed answer ready to go.




          本文标题:HOW TO EAT AN ELEPHANT---商业即兴69
