《道德经》第二章 “有无相生” 英译

《道德经》第二章 “有无相生” 英译

作者: Hanson__90 | 来源:发表于2020-03-07 16:09 被阅读0次


Beauty known by all, it is not beauty in itself; ugliness known by all, it is not ugliness in itself.(Beauty known by all, it is not beauty in itself;so is ugliness.)


So nothingness correlates with wholeness, difficulty with ease, long with short, high with low, voice with sound,front with back.


Though the sages do nothing and preach nothing, they produce ideal results where everything grows in its own way and they reproduce everything and do everything in obscurity. Without making a boast of themselves, they earn everlasting fame. 

 Beauty known by all, it is not beauty in itself; ugliness known by all, it is not ugliness in itself. (Beauty known by all, it is not beauty in itself;so is ugliness.)

 So nothingness correlates with wholeness, difficulty with ease, long with short, high with low, voice with sound,front with back.

 Though the sages do nothing and preach nothing, they produce ideal results where everything grows in its own way and they reproduce everything and do everything in obscurity. Without making a boast of themselves, they earn everlasting fame. 


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    本文标题:《道德经》第二章 “有无相生” 英译
