

作者: 爱玲姐说说 | 来源:发表于2021-11-12 23:52 被阅读0次


    01 埋葬你的是你自己,帮助你的是你自己,毁灭你的也是你自己,成就你的仍然是你自己。

    It is yourself who buried you, helped you, and destroyed you, and it is still yourself who helped you achieve your destination.

    02 所有成长的秘诀在于自我克制,如果你学会了驾驭自己,你就有了一位最好的老师。

    The secret of all growth is self-control. If you learned to control yourself, you will have the best teacher.

    03 日子从来不是日复一日的简单重复,它每天都是新的,值得我们全力以赴,倾心相许。

    Days are not simple repeats,everyday is a new day,it deserves our best effort and dedication.

    04 精神饱满,才经得住世事刁难。生活越是平淡,内心越要绚烂。

    Only be spirited can stand up the difficulties of life.The life is more insipid, the soul should be the more gorgeous.

    05 人的一生,总是越往前走,越寂寞孤独。但其实,孤独如茶,原本的苦涩下蕴藏着回甘。成熟睿智的人,懂得细细品味,才能在孤独里找到那缕清甜。

    Our life, the farer you reach the more you feel lonely. But the fact is loneliness is like tea, it's sweetness is hidden in it's bitter taste. Only mature and wise people could enjoy the loneliness and feel it's beauty.

    06 人生就像不停在用的铅笔,开始很尖,但慢慢地就磨得圆滑了。不过,太过圆滑了,就又该挨削了。

    Life is like a pencil in constant use. It's very sharp at the beginning, but becomes smooth gradually. However, it will be sharpened again when it's too smooth.

    07 顺境修德,逆境修心,只有身处逆境,才会在苦痛之中明白人生的意义。

    Cultivating virtue in prosperity and cultivating mind in adversity, you will understand the meaning of life only in the pains of adversity.

    08 生命中真正重要的不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些事,又是如何铭记的。

    What matters in life is not what happens to you, but is what you remember and how you remember it.

    09 有人喜欢细水长流,有人喜欢波涛汹涌,无论你是哪一种,那都是属于你的人生。

    Some people prefer the life like a long stream, some others prefer it as a rough wave, No matter what you prefer, that is your own life.

    10 眼睛被泪水洗得清澈的人,视野更开阔。

    The people's field of vision is broader whose eyes are washed clear by tears.





