第四章 1
1. 作者对其英文名是怎样的态度?提出了哪些具体的建议?
Names are culturally connoted, which means you can never ignore the cultural meaning while naming yourself in Chinese, English or in other language.
The names of characters from history, tragedies or disasters are not acceptable.
Names with "sexual" meanings or implications should be avoided.
Names of fruits and sweets have to be considered cautiously.
Names of animals and plants should be used carefully.
Be cautious when choosing names from other cultures.
2. 朗读前5小节中所有的课堂指令,标注出你未曾使用过或之前说的不地道的部分,尝试在课堂上使用它们。
You may call me...
I'll be teaching you English for this semester.
Who would like to start first?
group members
I hope you all had a nice weekend.
What was on today's lunch menu?
Let's all make English names today.
That name suits you.
Write your English names on this name tag.
Now, let's say our English names in turn.
Please sit in numerical order.
Please sit in order of height.
bulletin board
3. 思考:对基础差的学生是否应该坚持使用英文的课堂指令?
Don't cut into the queue. / Don't jump the queue.
Find a partner. / Get with a partner.
Put your things away.
Hold up your right/left hand.
Lower your voice./ Use indoor voice,
No pushing/ shouting.
Don't squeak/ drag the chair.
Face the rear.
1. 评估可以分为哪两种基本类型?
2. 除了了解学生掌握知识点的情况,评估还有什么重要作用?
3. 过程性评估有哪些方式?
4. 如何进行集体评阅?
step1: look at the first student's work together, noting whether they have used a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence and a full stop at the end.
step2: place a tick for each of these things
step3: discuss if there is a verb in each sentence. In English, every sentence has a verb. Give a tick for each verb.
step4: also discuss if the sentence makes sense.
5. 口头描述型任务可以测评学生的哪项能力?