Fields of Gold-Eva Cassidy

Fields of Gold-Eva Cassidy

作者: 知势局 | 来源:发表于2020-06-04 05:55 被阅读0次

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    Eva Cassidy是一位才情洋溢的歌手,她出生于1963年2月2日。1996年11月2日,她因皮肤癌而离开了这个世界,享年33岁。她美丽纯净如白开水一般的歌声,令人一听难忘。Eva Cassidy从小便深受艺术与音乐方面的熏陶,歌曲制作和乐器演奏都难不倒她,不过因生性羞涩,她选择艺术,而歌唱则是她在绘画方面的成功给她自信心后的产物。伊娃·凯西蒂有着过人的音乐感与创造性。许多歌手演唱别人的歌曲时,往往跳不出既有的框框,因此只能屈居于原唱者之下。但伊娃·凯西蒂所演唱的Bridge Over Troubled Water(猫王),What A Wonderful World(爵士乐大师路易斯·阿姆斯特朗)及Blue Skies,却令人耳目一新。虽然这几首歌曲的演唱者都大有来头,而且歌曲亦早已深入人心。但出乎意料的是,Eva Cassidy的演绎不只与原唱者大异其趣,其过人的说服力,简直让人以为这些歌曲是为她而量身订制的。演唱别人的歌曲,又能达到如此超凡境界的歌手少矣。


    wind moves

    Upon the fields of barley

    You’ll forget the sun

    In his jealous sky

    As we walk in the fields of gold

    So she took her love

    For to gaze a while

    Upon the fields of barley

    In his arms she fell

    As her hair came down

    Among the fields of gold

    Will you stay with me

    Will you be my love

    Among the fields of barley

    We''''''''1l forget the sun

    In his jealous sky

    As we lie in fields of gold

    See the west wind

    Move like a love song

    Upon the fields of barley

    Feel her body rise

    When you kiss her mouth

    Among the fields of gold

    I never made promises lightly

    And there have been some

    That I''''''''ve broken

    But I swear in the days still left

    We''''''''ll walk in the fields of gold

    Many years have passed

    Since those summer days

    Among the fields of barley

    See the children run

    As the sun goes down

    Among the fields of gold

    You''''''''11 remember me

    When the west wind moves

    Upon the fields of barley

    You can tell the sun

    in his jealous sky

    When we walked

    In the fields of gold

    When we walked

    In the fields of gold




    说了一遍 请再对我说一遍 说 我爱你



    记着 在那青山和绿林间 在那山谷和田野中

    如果它缺少了那串布谷鸟的音节 纵使清新的春天

    披着满身的绿装降临 也不算完美无缺

    爱 四周那么黑暗



    我嚷道 再说一遍 我爱你

    谁会嫌星星太多 每颗星星都在太空中转动

    谁会嫌鲜花太多 每朵鲜花都洋溢着春意

    说 你爱我 你爱我 一声声敲着银钟

    只是要记住 还得用灵魂爱我 在默默里



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