Build Dubbo + ZooKeeper with Mav

Build Dubbo + ZooKeeper with Mav

作者: 猪迹 | 来源:发表于2018-07-05 21:48 被阅读0次

Step 1 Add dependency to Dubbo

Open the pom.xml & add

Step 2 Re-run and see success

Run again & see success

Step 3 Add some print and run again

Add some code Run it
When running, this provider will register itself to the ZooKeeper, and then it will be ready to provide its service.
To verify this, we need to prepare a client that will use the service, which will be following.

Step 3 Package the project into runnable JAR

Just refer the instructions from IDEA




      本文标题:Build Dubbo + ZooKeeper with Mav
