

作者: 佚小名 | 来源:发表于2016-11-13 00:37 被阅读0次

1.Key ways to create a positive impression:

The first twelve words you says should include the words thank you.

The first twelve steps you take should be those of confidence.

The first twelve inches from head down should beI impeccably groomed.

The last twelve inches from floor up should be very well maintained.

Canveying confidence:


Walk briskly head held high

Sing theme song

Believe in yourself

Visualize yourself in the position

Canvey enthusiasm ,interest, sense of energy

Be positive

Be able to laugh at yourself

Never assume that because someone is better looking or a higher level

First impression, faux pas社交大忌


Hand gesture


2.Conversation basics

Every conversation is an opportunity for success.
You never know when someone is in position to help you.

The hand shake:

Open hand

firm grasp

once up once down

canvey warmly and confidence

make eye contact

The Where

Go where the people are

best places -food table bar

if no one introduce you, introduce yourself look for approachable people. People who are alone is a great place to start.
There is one thing I want add though.You had to kind of go in there with a mission.


Name tag on your left

Four Rules

Older people first

women before man

same age  same general, no matter

Vip 1st


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