①We can read of things that happened 5.000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write.
我们从书籍中可读到5,000 年前近东发生的事情,那里的人最早学会了写字。(lesson 1)
read of 读到(有关于...)=read about
类似表达有:speak of/ talk of 谈到.....
hear of/ learn of/ know of 听说....
think of 想到....
dream of 梦到....
Of Truth/ Death / Love / Envy / Human Bondage 论真理/ 死亡/ 爱情/ 妒忌 / 人性之枷锁
②Several cases have been reported in Russia recently of people who can read and detect colors with their fingers, and even see through solid doors and walls.
俄罗斯最近报道了几个事例,有人能用手指看书识字和辨认颜色,甚至能透过厚实的门和墙看到东西。(lesson 4)
※cases of people....因为of结构中people的定语太长,所以把谓语have been提前。
③ He maybe conceited, ill-mannered, presumptuous or fatuous, but I do not turn for protection to dreary clichés(about respect of elders)—as if mere age were a reason for respect.
这些年轻人也许狂妄自负,举止无理,傲慢放肆,愚昧无知,但我不会用应当尊重长者这一套陈词滥调来为我自己辨护,似乎年长就是受人尊敬的理由。 (lesson 5)
※turn for protection to dreary clichés正常语序应该是 turn to ....for 向....寻求....
※turn to dreary clichésfor protection
conceited adj. 自高自大的
presumptuous adj. 自以为是的,放肆的
fatuous adj. 愚蠢的
clichés n. 陈词滥调
④If we glimpse the unutterable,it is unwise to try to utter it,nor should we seek toinvest with significance that which we cannot grasp.(lesson 24)
invest with significance that which we cannot grasp
invest A with B 把B赋予给A
在本句,A是which we cannot grasp
B是 significance
正常理解句子顺序应该是:investthat which we cannot graspwith significance