TGG - Chapter 1

TGG - Chapter 1

作者: ElaineLKN | 来源:发表于2017-12-04 20:18 被阅读37次

1- 阅读感悟

文章比预想的困难,特别是第三段“The second reason is that there is a more complete record of Su Tungpo‘s life than of other Chinese poets. ...”,由于对应不上相应的中文名和知识储备不足,这部分读得囫囵吞枣,预计还要细细再看几遍才能消化。

传记的开头,林语堂没有从苏东坡呱呱坠地开始写,而是选择了更宏观的角度。第一段,林语堂进一步环环相扣地描写了自己写苏东坡的原因,解释了preface中写到的“except that I want to”。出于古人已完整的一生,且林语堂自己觉得理解苏东坡,喜爱苏东坡,而著此传记。“a great advantage in writing the biography of a man of the  past,where we can review scene after scene already completed, watching the inevitable development of events arising out of the necessity of outward events and inner temperament.”也是著书的原因。

除了阐释自己写苏东坡传记的原因外,第一部分赞扬了苏东坡的great personality,跌宕起伏的人生,多重的身份,不变的真挚,以此引出苏东坡的文学造诣,带来的写作标准,写作给人们带来的愉悦等等。

字里行间都能体会出林语堂都苏东坡的敬爱,以及对流放他的皇帝的鄙视,例如用“an eighteen-year-old idiot”来形容这个皇帝。

文中关于good writing的描述也很很有启发。

2 - Guiding Task

(1)The author tries to give a brief introduction of  Su Tungpo and his writing's purpose. 

(2)① A living man has always so many"possibilities."

② A man's life is like a drama, and we can judge a drama only when the curtains drops.

These sentences inspire me, as some of us tend to believe that the future is hopeless. And some people lost in our daily life, can't see any possibilities in ourselves.

3 - 单词词组

“I wish to black out my intelligence”

black out的用法让人眼前一亮。

文中black out的意思是cover(esp.with ink)so as to hide completely;cut out涂掉;删去。

例句:In wartime,they often blacked out all news,or gave out false news.在战争期间,他们常封锁消息或者发布假新闻。


1.darken by putting out or dimming lights so that no light is seen from outside使灯光熄灭(或暗下来);实行灯火管制

The city was blacked out during the air raid.空袭期间,全城都实行了灯火管制。

2.lose consciousness;lose one's memory失去知觉;暂时失去记忆

After the accident he blacked out and couldn't remember what happened.事故之后,他晕倒了,记不起发生了什么事。

It had been a hard and tiring day,and she suddenly blacked out.一整天辛苦疲劳后,她突然昏倒了。

3.cause silence or jam(radio transmission)封锁或干扰广播

The enemy hoped to black out our radio transmission.敌人想干扰我们电台的广播。


TV pictures of the demonstration were blacked out.示威画面被禁止在电视上播出。


U.S. government specialists went through each page, blacking out any information a foreign intelligence expert could use...


Some Welsh activists have started blacking out English language road signs.


6-尽力忘记;努力忘却If you black out the memory of something, you try not to remember it because it upsets you.

I tried not to think about it. I blacked it out. 我尽量不去想它,竭力要将它忘掉。

还有很多歌曲、电影和动画片叫做 Black Out。


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