20190107-语音晨读Day 1
d t g 辅音轻读
d 舌头往上颚后走
1、Diana ia 之间的J连读
2、you forgot our date dar
3、repairedthem d弱 或者不读
4、did she andher d 不读
6、 What didyou do for dinner? whathave you done / I'vedone it.助动词和情态动词轻读
7、I am going to=I'm gonna=Im na
8、What are/do/have you=watcha
9、greasy i: 多油的;多脂的;gnaw 美nɔgnarled nɑ:rld g 不发音 (gn一起,g 不发音)
20190108-语音晨读Day 2
Z→s V→f
1、pleaseZ→s debilitating 使减弱 hasto; ascan be shown (s 后面加清辅音,Z (听起来→s ))
safe/saveV→fprove itV→f have to goV→f
S→sr ʃ 音
2、strange s→sr grocery
所谓的 浊化→P K不送气
3、speak sky s (P 不送气) s( K 不送气)
4、months mons (th不发音)
5、your 耶儿 不强调的时候
6、call 美式 k o l 英式 嘴巴嘟起来
7、questionˈkwɛstʃən 不要读成 nation ˈneʃən
8、these arebees thi: zer
9、postoffice 邮局 delivery man 快递小哥 white house 白宫 bus driver
10、idea famous nervous breakfast 木有r 音
1、what's give me a call 不要重读,自己听原声打节拍
1、can I ask 不要太刻意连读,不连读也行
20190109-语音晨读Day 3
1、amazing ə'meɪzɪŋ
2、soon 树恩 n 的发音较轻,舌头往上牙齿后颚,鼻子轻轻震动,或者尝试发 树呢 ,最后去掉呢
3、exactly t 可发/可不发
4、would't would 不要重读
5、adventure 美 [əd'ventʃər]
6、of course 美[kɔːr s] V→f
8、Asia['eɪʒə] Asian 美 ['eɪʃ(ə)n]
9、leisurely 美 [ˈliʒərli] 英 ['leʒə(r)li] 悠闲地;慢悠悠地
10、Malaysia 美 [mə'leɪʒə]
11、Indonesia 美 [ˌɪndə'niʒə]
12、television 美 ['telə.vɪʒ(ə)n]
1、whose is it? 这是谁的啊?not mine, is Eric?
2、Isn't it amzaing? 第一个 t drop 掉;第二个t→d 轻读 (nd,nt ,t和ddrop 掉) wasn't easy?
3、the author of :l n r 后面接元音经常发生连读
4、what's the occasion?[ði] J [ə'keɪʒən]
5、make any occasion ['eni] J [ə'keɪʒən]
6、seven o'clock 英 ['sev(ə)n] [ ə'klɔk ]
nineo'clock 英 [naɪn] [ ə'klɔk ]
11o'clock 英 [ɪ'lev(ə)n] [ ə'klɔk ]
718 ['sev(ə)n] [wʌn] [eɪt]
iPhone XS [ten] [es]
H&M M&M 中间有个& and→an
7、and at 10o'clock [ten] [ ə'klɔk ]
8、find out about an unusual [ʌn'juːʒʊəl]
9、is Invasion 美 [ɪs] 美 [ɪn'veɪʒ(ə)n]
sorry 不同腔调
Let's see what's going on what happened
take care see you soon/later
3、Put yourself in someone's shoes 换位思考
20190110-语音晨读Day 4
1、casual 美 ['kæʒuəl] 入cat rule ( 发'入'音,保持声带振动,发rule)
2、sure 美 [ʃʊr] 不要用力
3、should 美 [ʃʊd] 不要用力
4、finished美 ['fɪnɪʃt] Page 94 类似的lookedmissed Thailand, 但是looked at 发生连读的时候,会听起来像d
5、graduate 美 ['ɡrædʒu.eɪt] 毕业生;研究生
6、graduated 美 ['ɡræ dʒu.eɪ tɪd]长音节单词,分成小部分来读,打节拍
7、June 美 [dʒun] 六月
8、from college from 轻读 美 ['kɑlɪdʒ]
9、ifyouget the job 耶儿
10、I majored in management and psychology 美 ['mænɪdʒmənt] 美 [saɪˈkɑːlədʒɪ]
11、Ifyou get the job, 耶儿,不用太过了,自然一点
would you arrange travel for individuals 美 [.ɪndɪ'vɪdʒuəl]for 轻读
12、Or would you just do grouptourpackages 美 [tʊr]
13、I‘d makeallkinds of travel arrangements. 美 [al] l的时候不要撅嘴
14、They want someone who's energetic and enjoyschallenges.美 [.enər'dʒetɪk] 美 ['tʃæləndʒ]
1、did you call about thejob? Didjadʒ 你打电话问那个工作了吗?l, n, r 常见容易发生连读的音 about the job about 不发音 (t辅音加不同的辅音,轻发后面辅音)Page 92
what did you find out? 第一个 t drop掉 Didjadʒ
Would you arrange travel?wouldja dʒ
2、the travel agency. 美 [ˈtræv(ə)l] ['eɪdʒənsi] 旅行社
3、who majored in 停 business management ['bɪznəs] 美 ['mænɪdʒmənt]
4、didn't you major in management?t ʃ ch
why didn't you tell me?tʃ
Don't you speak Japanese?tʃ
20190111-语音晨读Day 5
1、you need a college education 美 ['kɑlɪdʒ] 美 [.edʒə'keɪʃ(ə)n] 连读 (Time: 09:21 )
2、What did you major in 注意in 不要读成 ing,另外上课听到了major in 连读与不连读的区别。(Time:01:55;07:45;08:25)
3、Would you like some orange juice 美 [ˈɔrəndʒ] 美 [dʒus](Time:08:45)
连读不一定是要把哪个音省掉,而是不需要“重新启动”。比如这个orange juice,它听起来的感觉是 oran zh(短促)然后不需要停顿,直接在同样的位置继续念 zhzhzhzhzhzhzhus。
省力:第一个 oran zh(短促);第二dʒ受到u 的影响,嘴巴已经开始变圆。
4、How much is it is 事实上并没有重读,按平常去读 (Time:10:25)
①how much重读much,is it会重读is,因为it是旧信息,我们一般不会重读旧信息。如果这里的it换成一个具体的词,比如How much is your phone? 这时候会重读 your phone 而不是is
5、familiar 美 [fə'mɪljər] (Time: 27:00)
6、millionaire 美 [ˌmiljəˈnɛr] 百万富翁 billionaire 美 [bɪljəˈneə(r)] 亿万富翁
7、English 美 ['ɪŋɡlɪʃ] 不是鹰,加了y?
8、steeped on my foot 美 [fʊt]
9、how long have you lived here? have 的弱读,但不会省略不读

11、leave 美 [liv]V the end of leave is weak ,像f ,但不是leaf (Time:43:24)
10、knock it off 美 [nɑk] 美 [ɪt] 美 [ɑf] 少来这一套
11、i + y 连读 j the apple (25:00)

20190114-语音晨读Day 6
5、Keep real 态度
6、voice quality 读的过程要清楚的知道,舌头的位置
1、Wh一般读降调,但在“什么,没听见,不确定的”语境下, you name again? 会升调
2、fine-tuning 读的过程去微调
(三)、H 软腭(不需要用力)
1、It's huge →会听到有人读uge,因为"h" 被drop掉
2、horrible 美 ['hɔrəb(ə)l]
3、herb 美 [ɜrb]
4、What 美 [hwɑt]
5、is he/she hurt?
6、give him/them
7、was 弱读
8、hubby 美 ['hʌbi]
9、in aaccident
10、heard about
11、home 美 [hoʊm]
12、on my way home from work
13、awful 美 [ˈɔf(ə)l]
14、hospital 美 ['hɑspɪt(ə)l]
15、ambulance 美 ['æmbjələns]
16、Tell her that I love her
17、Tell him that I love him
18、is him still in the hospital?
20190115-语音晨读Day 7
2、tell him that I love him
3、what should/would you like should/would应该轻读
4、I like you 打拍子
5、where 、when当你不会练的时候,就使用go-to phrase 的方法 wet or
(二)think 美[θɪŋk]
4、breath 美[breθ] n.呼吸的空气 breathe 美[brið] v.呼吸
(三)、the other 美[ðə] [ði] ði:
1、th 有时候会发d ,当你发d的时候其实是种弱读,发th的时候,舌头在外面
2、look the nigga 发d
3、I‘m the Eric ði:
4、I don't just want the job / 、I don't just want it job 特别的工作
5、ði +元音容易 连读
6、Eric told me that ,that d I 通常很弱,类似said
7、either 美['iðər 英['aɪðə(r)
8、But this one is more expensive than the one in the window. more 要发清楚,节奏,A is more expensive than B.
9、smoother 美 [smuðə(r)] 平整的;平坦的;平滑的;
2019016-语音晨读Day 8
1、I think so
2、I‘m free on free on 连在一起读
3、thirtieth 美 ['θɜrtiəθ]
2、sometimes 复数、过去式,不要用力 DD d 节奏,打拍子
2、done 蛋 呢
1、ban 美 [bæn] bang 美 [bæŋ] bang →a ing |e ig)
2、about thatbassdat
20190117-语音晨读Day 9
1、remember 美 [rɪ'membər]
2、want 美 [wɑnt] phone 美 [foʊn] children 美 [ˈtʃɪldrən]
3、English interesting
4、How long /have some more 注意语调,还原原声
5、legit 合理的,美 [ləˈdʒɪt] That's legit; resonable/
dark L(在前), light L(在后);嘴巴不要撅
4、she'll be taking call 现在将来进行时 画面感;语气委婉
It's not happening /working out,
I’ll be leaving China tommorow this time. T
oday, we’ll be talking about chapter 6
5、How would you be paying for it? 现在将来进行时 ;语气委婉
6、milk 美 [mɪlk]
7、biological 美 [.baɪə'lɑdʒɪk(ə)l]
8、How are you doing?
I‘m doing well 身体状况不错
9、I’m good 整体状况
10、don't sleep late 不要睡懒觉;早上起的晚
20190107-语音晨读Day 1
1、stand me up 爽约

① use your advantage 利用优势 play your cards right 办事高明,处理得当

② play...card 打感情/同情牌
play thesympathy card苦肉计 Don't play"I forgot it" card / Don't play "I am busy/ I don't have time" card/ play I love you card Iwon't buy it / I won't fall for it 我不买账
using (the positive) human emotions such as love, sympathy as a tool to take advantage or to reach some goals, for example, to persuade someone to do something that you want him to do.
The presidential candidates try to touch the voter with family love etc. 在竞选中打感情牌。
3、landline 固定电话;(a landline telephone (老式有线电话 ,座机那种) phone line (一般指无线了吧)电话线
My phone line isn't hooked up yet, so I can'tmake any phone callsright now. 我的电话线还(连接)不通,所以我现在不能打电话。give somebody a call
20190107-语音晨读Day 2
1、She sailed through her maths exams 顺利通过数学考试
2、bask in the sun 沐浴阳光
3、be sensible 讲道理;理智一点 wise up 醒醒吧 wake up (sense and sensibility)
4、smells funny 闻起来怪怪的
5、smells/looks fishy 有猫腻的;不对劲的;可疑的 something is suspicious doubtful
6、I got sacked 我被开除了
7、hissing 'hɪsɪŋ sizzle ˈsɪzəl ss嘶嘶的声音;拟声词
8、Ew..... It's gross/disgusting = Yikes jaɪks 呀!好恶心的
9、No wonder 难怪
It's no wonder you are hungry; you didn't have any breakfast 难怪你饿,你都没吃早餐啊
no wonder she unfriended you on WeChat/ brokeupwith you, you stood her up once too often. 难怪她删你微信好友/跟你分手,你放她太多次鸽子了。
① tipsy 微醺的 merry
② buzzed 喝懵了
③ hammered 喝晕了
④ drunk 烂醉了 tanked canned
⑤ wasted 断片了
⑥ plastered 酩酊大醉
20190109-语音晨读Day 3
① stay hungryStay Hungry,Stay Foolish 求知若饥,虚心若愚
② stay warm 保持温暖;取暖
food could provide us with enough enengy to stay warm 食物可以提供足够的能量来保持体温
③ stay put 停住不动;留在原处不动
stay put untill you are ready to run 呆在原地不动除非你准备好要跑了
④ stay hydrated 多喝水;时刻补水;保持身体的水份
at leasteight8-ounceglassesofwateradaytostayhydrated.每天喝至少8盎司水以保持肌肤的水分
①动词 贬损 criticize
let's trash each other 让我们互相伤害
People asked why the candiates spent so much time trashing each other.
② 动词 故意损坏;破坏;糟蹋
trash the place 尽情作吧;
would they trash the place when the party was over?
把一个地方弄乱弄脏 The party really trashed this place.
③ 迎面撞车:head-on collision/crash 逆行撞车:wrong way collision 追尾:rear end collision
rear-end还可以做动词,We just gotrear-ended. / A bus rear-ended a private car.撞上私家车了
④ trash can 垃圾桶 trash truck 垃圾车,trash chute 垃圾通道,take out the trash 倒垃圾
⑤ trash sb 说某人坏话
3、Put yourself in someone's shoes 换位思考
4、stay tuned 不要走开,稍后回来 Thanks for tuning in 谢谢收听
20190110-语音晨读Day 4
毕业生;研究生 (美)
post-graduate (英)
I’m going to graduate school 我要去读研究生了
I’m going to graduate school application 我要去申请读研究生了
she is fresh graduate. 她刚毕业
under-graduate 本科毕业
the whole/total package 该有的样子你都有 伴侣;员工
she is the whole package 她真是样样都好。
a good catch 受到青睐;合适的对象;目标
You are such a good catch. 你是多么好的一个人啊。
4、Anyone who majors in two subjects enjoys challenges.
Anyone who can speak perfect English enjoys a more colorful life.
Anyone who can speak perfect Chinese can speak perfect English
Thoes who get early taking morning readings enjoy challenges.
5、they want someone with a knowledge of forgien language
know-how 专门知识;技能;实际经验
forgien language know-how 懂专业 技能
Technical know-how 懂技术
20190111-语音晨读Day 5
What size photographs would you prefer-4x6 or 5x7? x 读by
I can't fit 做不下,不合适
We'll never get finished. 做不完了
4、knock it off
I‘m had enough=That's enough.
5、definitely=absolutely=totally=surely=for sure=no problem
6、buy one get one free 买一赠一
7、pay for four photos 注意介词 for
8、taking up the whole sofa 占了整个沙发
9、we're offering a special. 做特价
10、I’ve traveled all over (Time: 47:15) 我到处走
11、messy 头发乱=all over the place
it's all over the place 房间乱
12、It's one of my favorite places
13、a fantastic view/ a beautiful view
20190114-语音晨读Day 6
1、My English is broken.
2、My English is not very good.
3、I‘m learning English
4、I only speaks limited English
5、Eric speaks broken English
6、Exhausted、wrecked 美 [rekt] 、beat、worn out、burn out
Exhaust 详尽的讨论了
We have exhausted the topic. 我们已经充分的讨论了这个问题。
7、unharmed 、intact、safe and sound 安然无恙
8、lousy 差劲的 美 ['laʊzi]
9、gauge 衡量 美 [ɡeɪdʒ]
2019015-语音晨读Day 7
1、jacket 书套
2、collar 美['kɑlər]
① feather collar 毛领
② turtle neck 高领
③ crew neck 圆领
④ V neck V领
zip it 保密 Can you keep the secret 美[ˈsiːkrət I'll zip it
zip up 拉上
4、on sale (撒牌子,到处都是)打折之意
5、though 的用法 knock out
she‘s knock out, though. (工作能力不行),但是是大美女
she's really pretty, though
You'r pronunciation is pretty good though.
Tha's good one/idea, though. (别人提出一个建议,尽管没有采纳),但是确是不错
knock-out product 拳头产品
I’l brief him, though. (虽然他来不来了)但是,你跟我说,我将跟他汇报。
Although the other is leather, that one is smoother.
2019016-语音晨读Day 8
1、red flag 小红旗
2019017-语音晨读Day 9
How are you doing?
I‘m doing well 身体状况不错
1、I’m good 整体状况
2、don't sleep late 不要睡懒觉;早上起的晚