Willpower Day10

Willpower Day10

作者: 倦鸟归矣 | 来源:发表于2017-03-19 22:47 被阅读0次

1.jolt                   VERB

to move or to make sb/sth move suddenly and roughly (使)震動,搖動,顛簸

仿 The remark jolted her memory.

原 They rewarded the rat with a mild jolt every time it moved a little bit to the right and away from the corner.

2.euphoric      adj

feeling very happy and excited

非常高兴的; 极其兴奋的

仿It had received euphoric support from the whole class.

原assumed that because his subjects continuously self-stimulated, and ignored food for the opportunity to keep shocking themselves, they were being “rewarded” for it with euphoric pleasure.

3.compel                    VERB

to force sb to do sth; to make sth necessary 強迫;迫使;使必須

compelsb to do sth

compel     sth

仿 My ill health compels me to knock off work.

原 How does the reward system compel us to act?

4.scarce        ADJ       if sth is scarce,there is not enough of it and it is only available in small quantities 缺乏的;不足的;稀少的

仿I can scarce remember her.

原This is a great instinct if you live in an environment where food is scarce.

5.trigger                      NOUN

1 the part of a gun that you press in order to fire it (槍的)扳機

2 trigger(for sth) | trigger(to sth/to do sth) something that is the cause of a particular reaction or development, especially a bad one (尤指引發不良反應或發展的)起因,誘因

3 the part of a bomb that causes it to explode 觸發器;引爆器

仿The incident triggered a war.

原Do you know what your own dopamine triggers are?


Importantly, even if the reward never arrives, the promise of reward—combined with a growing sense of anxiety when we think about stopping—is enough to keep us hooked.



“When dopamine is released by one promise of reward, it also makes you more susceptible to any other kind of temptation.”In this case, we often mistakenly believe that this is happiness. Maybe this reward is a trap, we are still addicted to it.



      本文标题:Willpower Day10
