EWM 模块主数据

EWM 模块主数据

作者: SAP江湖 | 来源:发表于2022-03-27 07:03 被阅读0次

Master Data Warehousing

  1. Creation and Maintenance of Material Master (WH Management)
    e.g. material number, warehouse-specific data, size, weight

  2. Creation and Maintenance of Organizational-/WH Structure
    e.g. warehouse number, storage location, HU types

  3. Creation and Maintenance of Production Supply Areas (PSA)
    Assignment of bins to PSAs, naming conventions

  4. Creation and Maintenance of Control Cycles
    Connect source and destination, types of control cycles

  5. Creation and Maintenance of Storage Bins
    Assignment to activity areas, capacity, naming conventions

Transactions used
/SCWM/MON Warehouse Management Monitor
/SCWM/MAT1 Warehouse Product
/SCWM/LS01 /SCWM/LS02 /SCWM/LS03 Create/Change/Display Storage Bin
/SCWM/SBST Sort Storage Bin
NWBC Master Data Governance (MDG)
PK05 PP maintain supply area
/SCWM/PSA Define Production Supply Area
LPK1/LPK2/LPK3 Create/change/Display control cycle
LS41- List of control cycles
/SCWM/PSCT6 Condition Record
MM03 Display Material Master
/SCWM/PACKSPEC Maintain packaging specification
POP3 Display Packing Instruction
POF3 Display Determination Records


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      本文标题:EWM 模块主数据
