"We hope that the present fluctuations of thinking are only indication of an upheaval of old beliefs which in the end will lead to something better than the mess of formulas which today surrounds our subject."
- Erwin Schrodinger
25 . Up to this point, I have been discussing the mechanical utilization of the basic building entity of all matter: the "gyroscopic-action-entity.” I will now conceptually relate the behavior of this "gyroscopic-action entity" to QUANTUM MECHANICS.
25 . 基于这一点,我已经讨论了构成物质的基本单元实体的力学利用:“陀螺仪效应实体”。我现在将在概念上将这种“陀螺仪效应实体”的行为和量子力学联系起来。
[NOTE: I will now be discussing other important concepts concerning the nature of the gyroscopic particle. I must add that there are those who may feel that I should have published these other concepts in a separate book rather than combine their exposition with a presentation describing the nature of my energy machine. I disagree with anyone who may feel this way. The universal nature of the gyroscopic particles (more generally referred to as "gyroscopic-action entities") which I have discovered is of far greater significance than one, simple application of their utilization, i.e., my energy machine. By combining these two intellectual areas, I wish to stimulate the mind of the reader to think beyond the limitations of thought imposed by the study of one technical application. I would prefer that the reader give more careful consideration to understanding a universal principle: the principle inherent in the nature and action of the gyroscopic particle!]
A. I will quote several passages from a well-written book entitled The Nature of Physics by Peter J. Brancazio of Brooklyn College, City University of New York [published by MacMillan Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1975). From page 585:
A. 我将引用纽约市城市大学布鲁克林学院的彼得·J·布兰卡齐奥(Peter J.Brancazio)写得很好的一本书中的几段话[由麦克米伦出版公司出版,纽约,1975年]。第585页:
''The discovery that material particles exhibit wave characteristics adds a new dimension to the problem of wave-particle duality. The classical descriptions of light as a wave and matter as composed of solid particles no longer seem valid -for both matter and light have been found to display wave and particle characteristics. How can we provide a coherent explanation for these extremely puzzling discoveries? One way to resolve the problem of wave-particle duality is to assume that one or the other is more fundamental. There are two possible alternatives:
"(1) light and matter are ultimately composed of particles. Their wave properties derive from the group behavior of a large number of interacting particles. [This approach, it will be recalled, was unsuccessfully adopted by Einstein in an attempt to explain the behavior of light.]
"(2) Light and matter are ultimately composed of waves. The particle properties are then derivative. One could hypothesize that 'particles' are really concentrations of waves or perhaps stable condensations in an underlying fluid or field.
"Unfortunately, neither of these alternative hypotheses has been developed with any great success. Most modern-day physicists generally believe that neither particles nor waves are more fundamental, but rather that they are two manifestations of some as-yet-unidentified (and possibly unidentifiable) entity.
"If the beginning student has trouble understanding how an entity can possess both wave and particle attributes at the same time, he or she may be comforted to learn that most experienced physicists are just as disturbed by this problem.”
Quoting from The Nature of Physics, page 604:
引自The Nature of Physics,604页:
''Einstein firmly believed that underlying the quantum theory -perhaps on a sub quantum level -there had to be fully deterministic laws. In a letter to Max Born written in 1926, Einstein summarized his position:
爱因斯坦坚定的相信在量子力学表面下-也许在一个次量子能级-有一个完全确定性的法则。在1926年给Max Born的信中,爱因斯坦总结到:
'Quantum mechanics is very impressive. But an inner voice tells me that it is not the real thing. The theory has much to offer ... but I am convinced that God does not throw dice. '
"At the present time, nearly fifty years after the birth of quantum mechanics, the argument has not been settled. There is no evidence whatsoever that a deterministic sub quantum level exists. Nor is there any convincing evidence to support the orthodox interpretation. For example, no experiments have ever been performed on a single atom or electron to test the orthodox contention that the wave function describes the properties of a single particle rather than a group of particles. Although the orthodox interpretation is generally accepted, there remain a few who, like Einstein, believe that the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics is not the final answer. This attitude has been most eloquently described by Erwin Schrodinger:
现在,量子力学诞生了大约50年,争论一直没停。没有任何证据说明一具确定性的次量子级存在。也没有任何令人信服的证据支持正统的解释。例如,没实验用一个原子或电子测试波函数描述的一个粒子而不是一群粒子的特性传统论点。虽然传统解释被普遍接受,仍然有少数人,如爱因斯坦,相信量子力学的数学形式体系不是最终答案。这种看法已经被Erwin Schrodinger充分说明:
'Many maintain that no objective picture of reality is possible. However, the optimists among us (of whom I consider myself one) look upon this view as a philosophical extravagance born of despair. We hope that the present fluctuations of thinking are only indications of an upheaval of old beliefs which in the end will lead to something better than the mess of formulas which today surrounds our subject. '"
B. My work pays tribute to those thinking individuals such as Einstein, Schrodinger, Faraday, Maxwell, Newton, and others. The sensitive and inquisitive mind will see that my work more accurately brings together the work of these impressive contributors for the advancement of the human species. The effect of such intellectual "bringing together" is to generate a new "oneness" which is more impressive and beneficial than the work of any single, great innovator alone.
B. 我有工作证明了这些人的想法,如爱因斯坦、薛定谔、法拉第、麦克斯韦、牛顿和其他人。敏感好奇的人将看到我的工作准确的将这些给人类带来进步的伟人的工作结合在一起。这种智慧的“结合”效应会产生一种新的“单一理论”,它比每一个改革者的工作都更深刻有益。
Let me begin by pointing out that the mathematical consequences of the Dirac equation stipulates that the energy terms applied to a fourth quantum number having two values, ( + 1/2) and ( - 1/2), are identical to the spin-quantum-number Ms which assigns to the electron an intrinsic spin and states that magnetism is a result of electron spin within the material. On the other hand, it has still been taught that a magnetic field contains no kinetic energy -only potential energy -and that the "lines of force" surrounding a magnet are imaginary. [This erroneous concept has been taught in spite of the brilliant insights of Faraday and Maxwell!]
让我从指出一些事实开始,狄拉克方程数学结果规定能量级施加到第四量子数(?)有两个值,( + 1/2) 和 ( - 1/2),和自旋量子数Ms一致,确定电子内自旋并声明磁性是电子自旋带动内部物质的结果。另一方面,依然被告知磁场不包含机械能-只有潜在能量-并且磁体周围的“力线”是想像的。[这个错误的观念已经被教授,尽管法拉第和麦克斯韦已经洞悉。]
注:1928年英国物理学家狄拉克(Paul Adrien MauriceDirac)提出了一个电子运动的相对论性量子力学方程,即狄拉克方程。利用这个方程研究氢原子能级分布时,考虑有自旋角动量的电子作高速运动时的相对论性效应,给出了氢原子能级的精细结构,与实验符合得很好。从这个方程还可自动导出电子的自旋量子数应为1/2,以及电子自旋磁矩与自旋角动量之比的朗德g因子为轨道角动量情形时朗德g因子的2倍。电子的这些性质都是过去从分析实验结果中总结出来的,并没有理论的来源和解释。狄拉克方程却自动地导出这些重要基本性质,是理论上的重大进展。
You will discover in this Book that the essence of Magnetism, Electricity, Gravity, Inertia, Planetary Motion, Thermodynamics, and a New Source of Energy and Matter are all mechanically explained by the nature of a "gyroscopic-action-type-particle." It was long after I had developed my concepts that I discovered my "mechanical” explanation correlated precisely with Dime's concept of mathematical spin. The reader should find it easy to advance from quantum mechanics to the mechanical essence of all matter consisting of the gyroscopic-action-entity which I present in this Book.
"... the essence of Magnetism, Electricity, Gravity, Inertia, Planetary Motion, Thermodynamics, and a New Source of Energy and Matter are all mechanically explained by the nature of a 'gyroscopic, action-type particle.'"
A gyroscopic action is the "mechanical” essence of a ''spin. '' I will now present many (seemingly unrelated) scientific facts which I examined years ago for the purpose of testing the truth of my Hypothesis and ascertaining if my Hypothesis could explain other scientific observations for which there was no "mechanical" understanding.
D. If we do not have a unified, "mechanical” understanding of the essence of all matter, then what we physically "see" as an outsider to matter can be very deceiving.
D. 如果我们没有一个关于物质本质统一的“力学”理解,那么我们作为一个物质外的旁观者“看”到的是非常有欺骗性的。
EXAMPLE:(See Figure 25-D1.)

Have an uneducated individual view a gyroscope spinning in a clockwise direction as it faces the individual. Have that individual push down on the axis of the gyroscope. Because the individual observes that the gyroscope pivots to the left (with respect to the individual), the individual may arbitrarily call such pivotal motion "negative.”

While the same individual closes his eyes, reverse the spin of the gyroscope in such a way that it now spins (see Figure 25-D2) in a counter -clockwise direction as it faces the same individual. Have the individual open his eyes and push down on the axis of the "same" gyroscope. Because the individual then observes that the gyroscope pivots to the right, the individual may arbitrarily call such pivotal motion "positive.” Such subjective descriptions would appear to indicate that there are two different gyroscopes. However, you and I know that this is not the case. Actually, what the individual believed to be two different gyroscopes is, in fact, one and the same: a single gyroscope simply having its mass spinning in the opposite direction relative to the outside observer.
E. I will now quote to you a statement I made on the occasion of my "humbling" realization of this simple fact described in Section 25-D in conjunction with the basic entity of all matter. I clearly recall the occasion in 1968 while flying on a commercial airline at 30,000 feet and returning home from a trip to Washington, D.C. which concerned another patent application:
Extrapolating upon my "humble" thought, I concluded: consider the possibility that if you could exert enough force to flip over this basic gyroscopicaction-particle of matter 180 °, then to an outside observer it would appear to be an opposite, electric charge. Since this is true, then the basic mechanism of nature is even more ingenious than I suspected because: all matter is composed of one type of gyroscopic-action-particle. Moreover, by mechanically rotating (in varying degree directions) the gyroscopic action-particles, such particles are capable of exerting a "force influence” upon one another. Such a "force influence" causes the gyroscopic-action -particle to gyrate (relative to one another) and subsequently, such infinitely-possible-degree-gyrations form infinite types of matter.
''All matter is composed of one type of gyroscopic-action-particle. "
Such a perspective is consistent with all Matter in the Universe being composed of the same entity having an attraction of one towards another. Mathematically, this explains the consistency of the Laws of Magnetism, Electrical Charge, and Gravity.