Back 4 years ago in China, my father got serious sick, I had to send him to one of the best hospitals to save his life, Thanks God he got much better, but I paid over 2000 dollars (in Chinese currency it was 15,000) for all the cost in couple days. I only had 500$ saving, so the other 1500$ was borrowed from my friend.
I didn’t owe a penny from anybody before my father’s sickness, so I became very anxious after he went back hometown, all in my mind was making money. I got up early and and slept late, working really hard on my part-time sales job, but I could not get enough business to take care of my debt. That time I was like a full time single-mother (kid’s father was in America), I was totally stressed out, lost patience on almost everything, even being mean to my son, pushing him away, expecting him let me work more and more, but he just had his one year birthday.
After 3 or 4 months or maybe longer, I realize that I had to do something about my depression and anxiety, my son cried out at night often. So I started to go to the church near my house, but worshiping everyday was not fast enough to solve my problem. I believe I could do something on my body to simply relax then take things easier, so I got couple books online, learned how to take care of my health issues like back pain, neck pain, headaches and other pains here and there. Not surprised, it worked! All the books taught me to do, was to massage on certain spots that linked to health issues. It took time and patience to figure out the exact problems I had on my body, but I did help myself out, I walked out the depression! Since then, I gave myself massages often when I didn’t feel good, I also helped my girl friends, they loved my massages.
Actually many Chinese know that massages work faster and safer than any medicines, just most of people are too lazy to keep trying to see the wonderful results. Let me tell you, our body system is very smart system, it defends itself if we keep using and maintaining it, you don’t need spend any money, you don’t need check with any doctors, you can be your own doctor. I haven’t got really sick since 2012, even in winter many people got flu, I barely suffered. 2-3times I had cough or throat sourness, I made it go within 3-5days without taking any medicines.
I still lose my sleep often so I have my headaches often, I have heels, back and legs pains often when I work and walk a lot, but these are just a piece of cake, I can make myself feel better after 3-5 minutes massage. I would love to spread this knowledge and help people who need help, so if you are in pain (not from seriously diseases), probably I can help you out!
Though true massages are not pleasant experience, you might not like it. I remember once I went to a massaging specialist to get rid of my back pain, the pain was killing me, I felt like I was 90years old, could not stand up after bending over. So he gave massages on my lower back and my legs, totally 20minutes. The first 10 minutes I was crying, the other 10 minutes I was laughing hard. After the massage I didnot feel much better, in stead I got more pain as he massaged really hard to reach the spots, but that night I slept very well. Next morning, my God, when my feet touched the floor, my body was as light as a soul, the deadly back pain was totally gone, just when I touched the old pain spot, the related area responded with light pain. Not only that, I saw better, felt things better, my spirit was up, the following week I lived like a butterfly, so much easy!
And there is another issue about massage that people don’t like. It is always easier for me to give somebody else massages, self-massage is not easy. I have to put enough strength on my fingers or fist, try hard to reach and press the spots as hard as I can. If you try you might just give up in one minute. So it is always my pleasure to offer massages to my good female friends or my special one, and people from my family. I want to help, and I want to make them happy!
