2020-07-18 苏州 21-26

2020-07-18 苏州 21-26

作者: KunzCa_Culture | 来源:发表于2020-07-18 23:29 被阅读0次

  The quality lifestyle is somehow reflected in the value of cultural tourism industry as my consistent practise while thinking:"reading and travelling" are the two dispensable, integral complementary unity——the spiritual and the physical, the self and the other as a complete and harmonios whole. The cultural tourism reveals the humanbeings' possible exploration and unremitting pursuit for wonderful future lifestyle, through cultural products, travelling experience(hotel industry,scenic area,tour guiding)'s "food, housing and transportation;tour, entertainment and shopping;Recovery, health and cultivation"有质量的生活方式,有如允堃且思且行文旅业的价值:“读书与旅行”,是生活中不可辜负,缺一不可,并协互辅的俩样——灵魂和身体的统一,自我与他者的统一,而成其完整和谐;文旅通过文创产品、旅行体验(酒店、景区、导游)等“吃住行、游娱购、康养学”的内容,来启示人类未来美好生活方式的可能性探索与不懈追求。Life is a tour, since we all spend time and span distance druing daily lives, shorter or longer. But we seldom pay special attention to those distinct and beautiful moments, or seneries worth exploring around us nearby. So the value of the industry lies that it is a realistic enlightenment to people that we dont lead a superficially normal similar life, but we could all have a poetic and uniquely abundant lifestyle.生活是场旅行,因为我们每天都跨渡着或短或长的时间与距离。可是,我们的确很少注意或探寻身边那些美好而独特的时刻、场景。从事文旅的意义在于用真实却高于“普通现实”的感官体验,启发出增益内心的灵感:我们一辈子或者后辈,其实不必重复每天表面的相似,并一定程度上,完全足具营造出诗意、独特、而丰盛的自由世界的能力,至少是现实可能性的范例,精神界或物质界。

    野蛮完身体,到苏艺文明精神的途中,偶遇候候参与的徒步读书分享汇,非常欣喜地遇见许多愿意分享内心读书心得、真诚交换书籍、并认真生活的朋友们,真诚由衷的表达与有血有肉的交流,小确幸+1:);午间邀请了几位良师益友共进“食粮”,灵粮也碰撞地满地四溅:)我请教了几个自认为不错的问题,也供各位分享:1、共同进步(譬如读书、劳作)在爱情、婚恋生活中至关重要吗,为什么?2、单方面真诚的喜欢是不是良好的两情相悦的爱情,及至婚姻?3、“婚姻”到底是自然的天命完美结合还是后世人造制度?此处省略席间太多有趣的灵感和愉悦的诙谐,留待朋友们再去探讨。 晚间发现一位摄影非常棒的小伙伴和一位对历史人文、未来科技同样平易,且愿意探讨的弟兄。结束“一日小文旅”的自得其满,絮絮叨叨小结一番:)After the fullfillment of physical exercising,  on my way to Suzhou Arts and Culture Center Spiritual Reading Club, I occationally met the hiking sharing gathering, I am pleased to meet so many nice reading fans and serioiuly living folks, who would like to exchange their personal books with one another. Be real as cool as I see, and I did get little luchy this morning:) During lunch, I invited some of the beneficial friends and scholarly mentors to have the food for both thougts and body, the spirits of nourishments collided and scattered all around the floor:) During then, I asked some self-satisfied questiones:1、progress(reading or labour) together during love and marriage. Is it the essential thing? Why?2、one-sided sincere favour is a real love or not? does it make the good relationship of loving and marriage?3、Is marriage the natural perfect destiny or manmade social regime? Lots of interesting thoughts and pleasant humor which enlightens and enjoyes us. During an exellent pholographer and a historical and intellectural-related fan. what a cultual-touristic day that ends with my personal satisfactions, a bit of triffling as the summary:)



      本文标题:2020-07-18 苏州 21-26
