How I Manage my Time as a Doctor

How I Manage my Time as a Doctor

作者: 燕凌风 | 来源:发表于2020-12-28 20:07 被阅读0次

    Reference Videos From Ali


    Hey guys, welcome back to the channel.
    In this video I’m going to bee sharing some tips for time management.
    Now this is a question that people have been asking me about for the last several years.
    They see that I’m a full time doctor, if you didn’t know, I’ve got this YouTube channel, I run my own business, I like to sing songs and play guitar.
    And I like to give the impression that I’ve got a vibrant social life as well.

    People often ask me “ How you manage your time? how are able to do so much stuff, how are you so cool? “

    I will talk about some principals, some tactics, and some tools that I’ve personally found helpful to allow me to do all this extra stuff with my time.


    Principle1 Your Time is your own
    * Like back in the day, I used to tempted to use the phrase “ I don’t have time” when, you know , talking about going to the gym.
    * I kind of realised over time that actually I am fully in control of my own time, and at any given moment, I am doing what I most want to be doing.
    * It’s never the case the I don’t have time to go to the gym, it’s always the case that going to the gym is currently not a priority in my life.

    Principe2 The 80/20 rule
    * 80% of the results com from 20% of the inputs
    * You can focus on the 20% to get the 80%

    Principle3 Parkinson’s Law
    * Work expands to fill the time that we allocate to it
    * It is a really good trends to make us better and better
    * And it made time management easier, you just allocate your time blocks and just achieve your goals.


    Tactics are kind of drilling down a bit more into rules that we can follow

    The first one is the two minute rule
    * Which is the idea that if you have a task that is gonna take you less than two minutes, you should just do it now rather than put it off.
    * Just do it now!

    The second tactic is called batching
    * It’s pretty intuitive, throughout the week you get lots of emails that you have to reply to, it makes sense to do that at the same time rather than taking five minutes out sort of here and there, every hour of the day to reply to emails.
    * And I find that batching all these similar tasks together really helps because I’m not then context switching

    I am not allowed to watch tv on my own
    * TV is fine, in my opinion, as a social activity, but I’ve found that if I was just sitting there watching TV on my own, I’d just end up wasting so much time, and thinking back for the last four or five years, I’m really glad that I spent that time doing other things instead, like making my websites, I was falling in love with making my business, or just hanging out with friends or making this YouTube channel.
    * I don’t lose anything in my life by not watching Netflix. I don’t even have a Netflix account, but I gain a hell of a lot of time, and I think personally my life is much more fulfilled and interesting because I’ve used that time to do other things rather than watching TV.


    I want to talk about three tools that I find helpful in term of time management

    An App on MAC called Alfred
    * Alfred is incredible because it basically let you do anything on your max , just using the keyboard.

    Number two tool is an app called Forest
    * Which is Pomodoro timer
    * Now the Pomodoro method, you might have come across it, is the idea that we should work for 25 minutes and then have a five-minute break
    * And I used this when I was studying for exams, to kind of motivate myself to focused work for 25 minutes
    * Cause it just makes it a bit more of a game to study

    Number 3 is a website called “10 Fast Fingers”
    * You can train your typing speed



          本文标题:How I Manage my Time as a Doctor
