Day 10 competition

Day 10 competition

作者: 卢义娴 | 来源:发表于2018-12-13 23:49 被阅读0次

    达尔文在《物种起源》里提出“物竞天择,适者生存”。在今天这个发展迅速的时代,竞争愈加激烈,赢者“奖品”更加丰厚。于是,我们发现周边总有那么一群“争强好胜”的人,TA 们以比赛为乐,以打败竞争对手为终极目标。但是对待比自己优秀的人,他们不是“分外眼红”,而是心生欢喜。

    本节课 Q 老师将带大家解读这类好胜心强的竞争者们的特点,并给出管理这类人的建议。



    Competition is rooted in comparison.

    When you look at the world, you are instinctively本能地 aware of other people's performance. Their performance is the ultimate yardstick标杆. No matter how hard you tried, no matter how worthy your intentions, if you reached your goal but did not outperform(超过你的伙伴) your peers, the achievement feels hollow.

    Like all competitors, you need other people. You need to compare. If you can compare, you can compete, and if you can compete, you can win. And when you can win, there is no feeling quite like it. (没有比这种感觉更好的事了)

    You like measurement (标准)because it (使比较变得容易)facilitates comparisons. You like other competitors because they invigorate you. You like contests because they must produce a winner.

    You particularly like contests where you know you have the inside track有利的优势 to be the winner. Although you are 对对手彬彬有礼gracious to your fellow competitors and

    输了也克制 even stoic in defeat, you don't compete for the fun of competing. You compete to win. Over time you will come to avoid contests where winning seems unlikely.

    How to manage a person strong in competition

    - Use competitive language with this person.

    - Measure him against other people, particularly other competitive people.

    - Set up contests for him.

    - Find places where he can win.

    - Consider that one of the best ways to manage him is to hire another competitive person who produces more.

    - When this person loses, he may need to mourn(悲伤) for a while.


    1. 表示“好胜心强的人”:competitive person

    2. 表示“根植于”:be rooted in

    3. 表示“最终的牺牲”:ultimate sacrifice

    4. 表示“达到目标”:reach your goal

    5. 表示“没有任何感觉能比得上它”:there is no feeling quite like it

    6. 表示“商业思维”:business mind

    7. 表示“标准”:measurement

    8. 表示“有利的形势”:inside track

    9. 表示“对对手彬彬有礼的”:gracious to fellow competitors

    10. 表示“输了也克制”:stoic in defeat


    be rooted in: 根植于

    instinctively: adv. 本能地

    be aware of: 意识到

    ultimate: adj. 终极的

    yardstick: n. 标杆

    outperform: vt. 超过别人的表现;胜过 (outlast/outlive/outstand)

    hollow: adj. 空洞的

    facilitate: vt. 促进;推动 (facilitator)

    invigorate: vt. 鼓舞;使人精力充沛

    inside track: 内圈跑道;有利的形势

    over time: 久而久之

    come to: 慢慢地;逐渐

    mourn: vi. 痛苦;悲伤


    1. Business mind is deeply rooted in this family's DNA.

    2. I just instinctively knew that this was the life for me.

    3. The ultimate spoil is to let you go.

    4. The Queen of England outlasted many U.S presidents.

    5. The shower had invigorated me.

    6. The inside track to success in business, sometimes, is intelligence.





          本文标题:Day 10 competition
