0422,The 30 Second Habit That Ca

0422,The 30 Second Habit That Ca

作者: 小春hdek | 来源:发表于2017-04-23 07:01 被阅读0次



    1、It is not from a bestselling book — indeed no publisher would want it: even the most eloquent management thinker would struggle to spin a whole book around it.

    2、Occasionally, when he’s sufficiently interested, he pens speeches for Fortune 500 CEOs and politicians, his words billed out at six figures. He is exceptionally well read, and also writes novels. But just for fun: on completion, he destroys them.

    3、Immediately after every lecture, meeting, or any significant experience, take 30 seconds — no more, no less — to write down the most important points.

    4、It’s not note taking: Don’t think, just because you write down everything in a meeting, that you’re excused from the 30 second summation.Though brief, this exercise is entirely different from taking notes. It’s an act of interpretation, prioritization and decision-making.

    5、It’s hard work: Deciding what’s most important is exhausting.Detail is a trap,So much of excellence is, of course, the art of elimination.And the 30 second review stops you using quantity as an excuse.

    6、You must act quickly: If you wait a few hours, you may recall the facts, but you lose the nuance.

    7、You learn to listen better, and ask better questions:And as you listen with more focus, and ask better questions which prompt actionable answers, so your 30 second review becomes more useful.

    8、You’re able to help others more: Much of what makes the 30 seconds cut are observations about what matters to other people.

    9、It gets easier and more valuable: Each time you practice, it gets a little easier, a little more helpful and little more fun.



          本文标题:0422,The 30 Second Habit That Ca
