随着单细胞技术的发展,数据量增加使得计算需求呈指数增长。分析单细胞数据时,使用稀100000个细胞的系数矩阵处理对于Seurat 来说就很有挑战性。HDF5 格式现在被用于储存
Linnarson实验室开发了基于HDF5的数据结构-loom loompy,用于储存单细胞数据以及数据相关的属性信息。并且,他们还发布了一个工具loompy。
- loomR 需要预安装hdf5r
System | Command |
OS X (using Homebrew) | brew install hdf5 |
Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu) | sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev |
Systems supporting yum and RPMs | sudo yum install hdf5-devel |
- 安装loomR
# Install devtools from CRAN
devtools::install_github(repo = "mojaveazure/loomR", ref = "develop")
# Load loomR
loomR 内置基于R6的loom对象。R6 对象与S4 类似,R6 使用field.name
), R6方法也可以直接调用(i.e.
# 连接loom对象
标准的R对象时将数据加载到内存中,loom对象只是建立一个与磁盘文件的连接。使用loomR::create可以创建一个loom文件,或者使用Convert将Seurat 对象转换成loom文件。
# Connect to the loom file in read/write mode
lfile <- connect(filename = "pbmc.loom", mode = "r+")
## Class: loom
## Filename: /home/paul/Documents/Satija/pbmc.loom
## Access type: H5F_ACC_RDWR
## Attributes: version, chunks
## Listing:
## name obj_type dataset.dims dataset.type_class
## col_attrs H5I_GROUP <NA> <NA>
## col_graphs H5I_GROUP <NA> <NA>
## layers H5I_GROUP <NA> <NA>
## matrix H5I_DATASET 2700 x 13714 H5T_FLOAT
## row_attrs H5I_GROUP <NA> <NA>
## row_graphs H5I_GROUP <NA> <NA>
, row_attrs
, col_attrs
, row_graphs
, and col_graphs
- matrix: n个基因m个细胞
- layers:matrix处理后的数据,例如标准化后的数据。
- row_attrs:基因得到metadata
- col_attrs: 细胞metadata
- row_graphs col_graphs
# 对loom数据进行操作
- 使用[[或$符号
# Viewing the `matrix` dataset with the double subset [[ operator You can
# also use the $ sigil, i.e. lfile$matrix
## Class: H5D
## Dataset: /matrix
## Filename: /home/paul/Documents/Satija/pbmc.loom
## Access type: H5F_ACC_RDWR
## Datatype: H5T_IEEE_F64LE
## Space: Type=Simple Dims=2700 x 13714 Maxdims=Inf x Inf
## Chunk: 32 x 32
- 查看组内的数据集
# Viewing a dataset in the 'col_attrs' group with the double subset [[
# operator and full UNIX-style path
## Class: H5D
## Dataset: /col_attrs/cell_names
## Filename: /home/paul/Documents/Satija/pbmc.loom
## Access type: H5F_ACC_RDWR
## Datatype: H5T_STRING {
## CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
## }
## Space: Type=Simple Dims=2700 Maxdims=Inf
## Chunk: 1024
# Viewing a dataset in the 'row_attrs' group with S3 $ chaining
## Class: H5D
## Dataset: /row_attrs/gene_names
## Filename: /home/paul/Documents/Satija/pbmc.loom
## Access type: H5F_ACC_RDWR
## Datatype: H5T_STRING {
## CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
## }
## Space: Type=Simple Dims=13714 Maxdims=Inf
## Chunk: 1024
# Access the upper left corner of the data matrix
lfile[["matrix"]][1:5, 1:5]
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,] 0 0 0 0 0
## [2,] 0 0 0 0 0
## [3,] 0 0 0 0 0
## [4,] 0 0 0 0 0
## [5,] 0 0 0 0 0
# Access the full data matrix (here, using the $ instead of the [[ operator
# to access the matrix)
full.matrix <- lfile$matrix[, ]
dim(x = full.matrix)
## [1] 2700 13714
# Access all gene names
gene.names <- lfile[["row_attrs/gene_names"]][]
head(x = gene.names)
## [1] "AL627309.1" "AP006222.2" "RP11-206L10.2" "RP11-206L10.9"
## [5] "LINC00115" "NOC2L"
- loom对象有一个get.attribute.df()方法,可以获取各种metadata 信息整合成数据框(data frame)
- get.attribute.df()首先需要一个方向,1(行,基因), 2(列,细胞);然后是一个metadata 数据名字组成的列表。
# Pull three bits of metadata from the column attributes
attrs <- c("nUMI", "nGene", "orig.ident")
attr.df <- lfile$get.attribute.df(MARGIN = 2, attribute.names = attrs)
head(x = attr.df)
## nUMI nGene orig.ident
## AAACATACAACCAC 2419 779 SeuratProject
## AAACATTGAGCTAC 4903 1352 SeuratProject
## AAACATTGATCAGC 3147 1129 SeuratProject
## AAACCGTGCTTCCG 2639 960 SeuratProject
## AAACCGTGTATGCG 980 521 SeuratProject
## AAACGCACTGGTAC 2163 781 SeuratProject
# Print the number of genes
## [1] 13714
# Is the number of genes the same as the second dimension (typically
# columns) for the matrix?
lfile[["row_attrs/gene_names"]]$dims == lfile[["matrix"]]$dims[2]
## [1] TRUE
# For the sake of consistency within the single-cell community, we've
# reversed the dimensions for the `shape` field. As such, the number of
# genes is stored in `lfile$shape[1]`; the number of cells is stored in the
# second field
lfile[["row_attrs/gene_names"]]$dims == lfile$shape[1]
## [1] TRUE
- 获取部分基因或细胞数据:
# Pull gene expression data for all genes, for the first 5 cells Note that
# we're using the row position for cells
data.subset <- lfile[["matrix"]][1:5, ]
dim(x = data.subset)
## [1] 5 13714
# You can transpose this matrix if you wish to restore the standard
# orientation
data.subset <- t(x = data.subset)
dim(x = data.subset)
## [1] 13714 5
# Pull gene expression data for the gene MS4A1 Note that we're using the
# column position for genes
data.gene <- lfile[["matrix"]][, lfile$row.attrs$gene_names[] == "MS4A1"]
head(x = data.gene)
## [1] 0 6 0 0 0 0
- add.layer()
- add.row.attribute()
- add.col.attribute()
# Generate random ENSEMBL IDs for demonstration purposes
ensembl.ids <- paste0("ENSG0000", 1:length(x = lfile$row.attrs$gene_names[]))
# Use add.row.attribute to add the IDs Note that if you want to overwrite an
# existing value, set overwrite = TRUE
lfile$add.row.attribute(list(ensembl.id = ensembl.ids), overwrite = TRUE)
## Class: H5Group
## Filename: /home/paul/Documents/Satija/pbmc.loom
## Group: /row_attrs
## Listing:
## name obj_type dataset.dims dataset.type_class
## ensembl.id H5I_DATASET 13714 H5T_STRING
## gene_names H5I_DATASET 13714 H5T_STRING
# Find the ENSEMBL ID for TCL1A
lfile[["row_attrs/ensembl.id"]][lfile$row.attrs$gene_names[] == "TCL1A"]
## [1] "ENSG00009584"
#Chunk-based iteration
处理大文件,可以每次读取部分数据,进行处理(迭代的方法)。loomR 内置了map或apply方法,可以每次对读入的数据进行处理。
- map方法:不需要一次读取文件所有内容到内存中,但是返回的结果在内存中。
- 计算每个细胞的UMI数
# Map rowSums to `matrix`, using 500 cells at a time, returning a vector
nUMI_map <- lfile$map(FUN = rowSums, MARGIN = 2, chunk.size = 500, dataset.use = "matrix",
display.progress = FALSE)
# How long is nUMI_map? It should be equal to the number of cells in
# `matrix`
length(x = nUMI_map) == lfile$matrix$dims[1]
## [1] TRUE
- MARGIN参数: 1表示行,或者基因;2表示列,或者细胞
apply,与map方法的差异在于,数据处理结果储存到loom 文件中(在磁盘,不在内存);因此消耗的内存只是运算部分。指定结果储存的文件名就可以了。
# Apply rowSums to `matrix`, using 500 cells at a time, storing in
# `col_attrs/umi_apply`
lfile$apply(name = "col_attrs/umi_apply", FUN = rowSums, MARGIN = 2, chunk.size = 500,
dataset.use = "matrix", display.progress = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
## Class: H5D
## Dataset: /col_attrs/umi_apply
## Filename: /home/paul/Documents/Satija/pbmc.loom
## Access type: H5F_ACC_RDWR
## Datatype: H5T_IEEE_F64LE
## Space: Type=Simple Dims=2700 Maxdims=Inf
## Chunk: 1024
# Ensure that all values are the same as doing a non-chunked calculation
all(lfile$col.attrs$umi_apply[] == rowSums(x = lfile$matrix[, ]))
## [1] TRUE
- Selective-chunking
#Closing loom
#loomR and Seurat
loom只是支持gitHub ‘loom’ branch的Seurat
devtools::install_github(repo = "satijalab/seurat", ref = "loom")
#Creating a loom
object from a Seurat object (converting between Seurat and loom)
- Seurat对象转换为 loom 文件
# Load the pbmc_small dataset included in Seurat
## An object of class seurat in project SeuratProject
## 230 genes across 80 samples.
# Convert from Seurat to loom Convert takes and object in 'from', a name of
# a class in 'to', and, for conversions to loom, a filename
pfile <- Convert(from = pbmc_small, to = "loom", filename = "pbmc_small.loom",
display.progress = FALSE)
## Class: loom
## Filename: /home/paul/Documents/Satija/pbmc_small.loom
## Access type: H5F_ACC_RDWR
## Attributes: version, chunks
## Listing:
## name obj_type dataset.dims dataset.type_class
## col_attrs H5I_GROUP <NA> <NA>
## col_graphs H5I_GROUP <NA> <NA>
## layers H5I_GROUP <NA> <NA>
## matrix H5I_DATASET 80 x 230 H5T_FLOAT
## row_attrs H5I_GROUP <NA> <NA>
## row_graphs H5I_GROUP <NA> <NA>
#Seurat standard workflow
# Normalize data, and find variable genes using the typical Seurat workflow
pbmc_small <- NormalizeData(object = pbmc_small, display.progress = FALSE)
pbmc_small <- FindVariableGenes(object = pbmc_small, display.progress = FALSE,
do.plot = FALSE)
head(x = pbmc_small@hvg.info)
## gene.mean gene.dispersion gene.dispersion.scaled
## PCMT1 3.942220 7.751848 2.808417
## PPBP 5.555949 7.652876 1.216898
## LYAR 4.231004 7.577377 1.528749
## VDAC3 4.128322 7.383980 1.296982
## KHDRBS1 3.562833 7.367928 2.476809
## IGLL5 3.758330 7.319567 2.018088
# Run the same workflow using the loom object
NormalizeData(object = pfile, overwrite = TRUE, display.progress = FALSE)
FindVariableGenes(object = pfile, overwrite = TRUE, display.progress = FALSE)
# Normalized data goes into the 'norm_data' layer, variable gene information
# goes into 'row_attrs' Are the results equal?
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(x = t(x = pfile$layers$norm_data[, ]), y = pbmc_small@data, main = "Normalized Data",
xlab = "loom", ylab = "Seurat")
plot(x = pfile$row.attrs$gene_means[], y = pbmc_small@hvg.info[pfile$row.attrs$gene_names[],
"gene.mean"], main = "Gene Means", xlab = "loom", ylab = "Seurat")

- close loom 对象
Introduction to loomR
Guided Clustering of the Mouse Cell Atlas: loom edition