

作者: z张文 | 来源:发表于2022-05-02 16:18 被阅读0次

    Step 1:Greeting&lead in

    Good morning, boys and girls!Nice to see you again.How are you today? Great?not bad? I’m glad to hear that.Are you ready for today’s English journey?Okay,let’s get started.Before our class, let’s have a quick review about what we have learned last lesson.Who can tell me ? ~~~So clever,you have mastered it firmly .Ok guys, today,We'll continue to learn useful grammar ,let’s learn“”~~~
    Before we starting our lesson,I‘d like to show you a picture of mine. Please look at the screen,what can you see in the picture?Yes~~~This lesson ,let’s talk more about “”
    Before class ,I want to share a film with you.Do you want to watch it?let’s go !it’s really amazing,yes?~Do you know ~~~?No?It doesn’t matter,Today let’s learn more about it through a dialogue.


    We’ll learn more about~~Are you curious?Ok ,good.Now I will read the passage for you,try to get the main idea of the passage and answer one question.~~~Stop here.Who’d like to share your idea with us?Jack please,Right!the passage is mainly about~~~Good conclusion ability,sit down please.And the question ,Who can answer it?~~~ok Judy ,have a try.Oh you are right.please pay attention to the pronunciation of ~~Very good.boys and girls now look at the blackboard,please read this passage again and try to translate these sentences //fill the blanks on the blackboard according to the context.Ok time is up.Yes lily !good job .How about the second one ?the boy in blue please.Well done!this time let’s take a closer look at these two sentences again,what can you find in common?I can give you 5minutes you can discuss with your partner.Later I will invite some of you to share your opinions,Ok you can start.Wow you are so active.Any idea?yes Jason ,you please.this structure can be concluded as~~~well down sit down please.Everyone listen to me carefully.This is the new grammar we are going to learn today.it is called ~~~we use it to ask ~~~For example,and so on .Clear? You are so smart.Ok let’s do some exercise.
    during your reading did you notice that there is a structure appeared again and again?(Yes you are so clever.I heard most of you said~~~ )Ok please watch them carefully,can you find some rule about structures.


    To learn it well ,Now let’s do some exercise.Please fill in the blanks on our ppt,ok three minutes for you ,let’s start!any volunteers?Sam please.~~~do you agree with him?Let’s move on the next one.Great !And the last one ~~~Who can have a try?yes Jenny please.Practice makes perfect ,let’s do more exercise then.Please join the correct parts of the sentences on the PowerPoint,you can finish those questions as quickly as you can .Now we will check the answer together.Here we go,Great!.ok boys and girls I think you have mastered this new grammar.
    who can make more sentences using the grammar structure above?Yes Cindy please,awesome !What about you Winne?I’m so amazed you did a very good job.


    Now are you ready for more challenging task? As we all know, the best way to use a language is to use it in a real situation.So let’s have a role play about it with your partner.use the new grammar as much as you can. Now you have 10 minutes to practice.Oh now it’s your show time.Which team goes first?Frank and Albert please!How do you think of their performance? yes Excellent,! they set a good example for us.boys and girls ,please give them a big hand.Which group wants to challenge them?Group 2,you look so confident,come on! Yes I totally agree with you.You are all quick learners.I’m impressed.Everybody ,you can continue to practice this after class
    can you do a little survey in the class? You are so active.Now let me divide you into groups .group 1/2/3.I can give you 10 minutes,then I will invite each group to make a report,ok ,you can start.Ok time’s up.Wow you are so involved,Well let’s share . Who’d like to be the first one? Group one yes,Michael you please,well done,your report is very clear and logical.And how about group 2?let’s listen to him carefully,yeah interesting report~~And the last group ,group 3 ,Wonderful .I hope you can continue to do this survey after class .
    well let’s play a game ,Ok, little reporter.you can work in pair ,imagine one of you is a reporter,and you are going to interview your partner’s ~~~what are you going to say? You can write a dialogue for more than 10 sentences.I can give you 10minutes , Later I will invite some pairs to role play your conversation.Clear? Then you can start.Ok time is up .who’d like to be the first one?Who want to challenge them? The last chance Who want to seize it ?Ok brilliant Let’s vote for them.

    step4-summary and homework

    How time flies! Our class is almost over,let’s see what we have learned in this class.who can make a summary for us ? Ok Jane you please.yeah ,we have learned a new grammar named ~~~ right ?very good thank you .And don’t forget learning English is not just inside the class,It’s for life ,for fun.Then homework for today.please finish the exercise book by using ~~~and try to write a composition /an article about ~~~within 100 words,~~~I’d like you to interview about your parents daily activities ,please use~~~and we will share it next class .any questions for today’s lesson? No?All right ,So much for today’s less/You did really good job today,I’m so proud of you. class is over.See you next time!







