

作者: z张文 | 来源:发表于2022-05-03 11:33 被阅读0次

Step1-greeting and lead in

greetingHow do you come to school? Yes by bike It’s very convenient.I heard some of you said on foot,oh your home must near our school ,and it’s a good exercise.anything else?yeah ,by subway,by bus and by taxi…all right,today let’s learn more about transportation in Beijing.


Everybody I’ll read the passage try to get the main idea of the passage and Circle the phrases they don’t know,ok time is up ,Who want to be the first one?yes ! Jane you please.it mainly talks about traffic conditions in Beijing such as taxi and public transport.Well done you are a good learner.how about the new phrases? Who can write them down on the blackboard?ok micheal and Linda .Yes in no time,ask for ,get around,limit to .The first one ,in no time,it’s the same meaning as at any time.for example, the shop opens 24 hours ,you can go shopping here in no time. Am I clear ?ok let’s move to the second one :Ask for, you can say ask for Sth or ask sb for something.can you make a setence? Yes,if you lost your school bag in the library you can ask the stuff for it or you can ask for your school bag.Ok next , get around, everybody look at me ,what am I doing? Yes .I walk around the teacher’s desk , you can also say I get around the teacher’s desk,please pay attention to the pronunciation,get around,yes we can read the two words together.excellent!ok the last phrase,limited to ,for example if we say buses are limited to travel,it means buses are not allowed to travel,understand? Yes you are so cleaver.


Let’s do some exercise using the new phrases.please fill in the blanks using the new phrases above,three minutes and then I ll ask some students to show your answer on the blackboard.ok time is up.1.Well Down2.Wonderful3.Excellent,Practice makes perfect.let’s do more exercise.Let’s try to make new sentences using the phrases we learn.please translate the sentences into English pay attention to the new phrases we learn today.1.离开教室之前我们应该寻求同意。2.最好的放松自己的方式是毫无目的四处闲逛。


Guys ,are you ready for more challenge?imagine you are a little reporter,you can interview the transport condition in your group , you have eight minutes to practice,then I will invite someone to share with us in front of the class. Ok let’s begin.Wow you are so involved,which group would like to share first,yes group 3,Linda wonderful you set a good example for us and I like your pronunciation.who wants to challenge her ?yes group 1 bob,please .well done you interviewed five people and most of them talked about the condition of subway. Your spoken English has improved a lot,keep trying .ok guys you can continue practicing after class ,I m  so proud of you.

Summary and homework

How time flies our class is almost over,who can make a summary for us ? Yes monitor please! Yes we learned transport condition in Beijing and some new phrases homework for today,make sentences by using new phrases learned today and talk about the transport condition in your city with your parents and share with us next class .any problem for today?no ?class is over see you then .



