Are you a giver or a taker?

在社会中,一般都有三种人:一种是贡献者,另一种是受益者,还有一种就是两者兼有。一般都说,第一种还有第二种人都比较稀少,大多数人还是在第三种。因而,也有礼尚往来的说法,西方也有这种说法 "An eye for an eye" 只是在一条线上,有些人更多的趋向于贡献者的一方,有些人更多的趋向于受益者一方。
- what can I get from you?
- They always focus on what they get rather than considering other people or the organization
- what can I give for you?
- They consider more about the generation, such as other people, which include feeling, and the organization or institution.

From questionnaire survey, they result as below:

an eye for an eye: most of the people are the matchers due to the reciprocal, which means that when they get something from others, they reply something back as the reward for developing a relationship or executing as ritual.

Result: givers receiver lowest-and-highest performance goal in their job life medication, selling or engineer project, which results in the medical student grades, low revenue from selling, and low outcomes from individual teamwork
reason: giver here prefer considering the organization or the other teammates more about their benefits and their goal rather than focusing on their personal work and their return from their work.
it doesn't mean that the givers are the bad and takers are good, takers' performance can rise and fall down immediately than the giver
- protect givers from burnout: they may overperform in helping people rather than their work
- encourage help-seeking: okay to be receiver as well; ask for help also
- keep the wrong people off the bus rather than get the right people on the bus

agreeable & disagreeable vs. giver & taker
- conscious their own goal while helping people
- pronoia: plotting your well-being