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实验记录12: scanpy轨迹分析的大型翻车现场

实验记录12: scanpy轨迹分析的大型翻车现场

作者: MC学公卫 | 来源:发表于2019-03-31 16:48 被阅读88次

3月29日 天气晴 心情雷暴

Preprosessing the data

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from matplotlib import rcParams
import scanpy as sc

sc.settings.verbosity = 3  # verbosity: errors (0), warnings (1), info (2), hints (3)
scanpy==1.4 anndata==0.6.19 numpy==1.14.5 scipy==1.1.0 pandas==0.23.4 scikit-learn==0.19.2 statsmodels==0.9.0 python-igraph==0.7.1 louvain==0.6.1 
adata = sc.read_h5ad("/data1/zll/project/deepBase3/HCA/bone_marrow/scanpy/3_29_PC16_filterMore/umap_tsne_3_29.h5ad")
drawing single-cell graph using layout "fa"
    finished (1:06:05.80) --> added
    'X_draw_graph_fa', graph_drawing coordinates (adata.obsm)
sc.pl.draw_graph(adata, color='louvain', legend_loc='on data',title = "")

Denoising the graph(will skip it next time!)

sc.pp.neighbors(adata, n_neighbors=10, use_rep='X_diffmap')
computing Diffusion Maps using n_comps=15(=n_dcs)
    eigenvalues of transition matrix
    [1.         0.99998933 0.9999825  0.9999806  0.9999773  0.99997413
     0.99997026 0.999969   0.99996084 0.9999516  0.9999409  0.9999385
     0.9999321  0.99992156 0.9999118 ]
    finished (0:11:57.51) --> added
    'X_diffmap', diffmap coordinates (adata.obsm)
    'diffmap_evals', eigenvalues of transition matrix (adata.uns)
computing neighbors
    finished (0:01:30.84) --> added to `.uns['neighbors']`
    'distances', distances for each pair of neighbors
    'connectivities', weighted adjacency matrix
drawing single-cell graph using layout "fa"
    finished (1:05:24.51) --> added
    'X_draw_graph_fa', graph_drawing coordinates (adata.obsm)
sc.pl.draw_graph(adata, color='louvain', legend_loc='on data',title = "")

..didn't see any denoising effect


Annotate the clusters using marker genes.

sc.tl.paga(adata, groups='louvain')
running PAGA
    finished (0:00:13.69) --> added
    'paga/connectivities', connectivities adjacency (adata.uns)
    'paga/connectivities_tree', connectivities subtree (adata.uns)
sc.pl.paga(adata, color=['louvain'],title = "")
--> added 'pos', the PAGA positions (adata.uns['paga'])
sc.pl.paga(adata, color=['CD34', 'GYPB', 'MS4A1', 'IL7R'])
--> added 'pos', the PAGA positions (adata.uns['paga'])

Annote groups with cell type

Index(['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12',
       '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23'],
adata.obs['louvain_anno'] = adata.obs['louvain']
# annote them with names
adata.obs['louvain_anno'].cat.categories = ['0/T', '1/B', '2', '3/T', '4/MDDC', '5', '6/MDDC', '7/NK', '8/MDDC', '9/CD8+T', '10/NK', '11/B', '12/NRBC',
       '13', '14/CD1C-CD141-DC', '15/pDC', '16/Macro,DC', '17/pDC', '18/DC', '19/transB,Plasmab', '20','21','22/B,NK','23']
Cluster Cell Type Marker Gene
0 T cell/IL-17Ralpha T cell IL7R, CD3E, CD3D
1 B cell MS4A1, CD79A
2 高表达核糖体蛋白基因
3 CD8+ T cell, T helper, angiogenic T cell CD3E, CXCR4, CD3D, CCL5, GZMK
4 Monocyte derived dendritic cell S100A8, S100A9
5 高表达核糖体蛋白基因
6 Monocyte derived dendritic cell S100A8, S100A9
7 NK cell PRF1, NKG7, KLRB1, KLRD1
8 Monocyte derived dendritic cell S100A8, S100A9
9 CD8+ T cell GZMK, CD3D, CD8A, NKG7 *
11 B cell CD24, CD79A, CD37, CD79B
12 Red blood cell(Erythrocyte) HBB, HBA1,GYPA
13 not known
14 CD1C-CD141- dendritic cell FCGR3A, CST3
15 Plasmacytiod dendritic cell HSP90B1, SSR4, PDIA4, SEC11C, MZB1, UBE2J1, FKBP2, DERL3, HERPUD1, ITM2C
16 Macrophage/ dendritic cell LYZ, HLA-DQA1, AIF1, CD74, FCER1A, CST3
17 Plasmacytiod dendritic cell IRF8, TCF4, LILRA4 *
18 Megakaryocyte progenitor cell/Megakaryocyte PF4, PPBP, / GP9
19 transitional B cell / Plasmablast CD24, CD79B
20 not known
21 B cell MS4A1, CD79A, CD37, CD74
22 B cell , NK cell CD74,CD79A, NKG7, GZMH
23 not known


sc.tl.paga(adata, groups='louvain_anno')
running PAGA
    finished (0:00:13.55) --> added
    'paga/connectivities', connectivities adjacency (adata.uns)
    'paga/connectivities_tree', connectivities subtree (adata.uns)
sc.pl.paga(adata, threshold=0.03)
--> added 'pos', the PAGA positions (adata.uns['paga'])
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 315509 × 1314 
    obs: 'n_genes', 'percent_mito', 'n_counts', 'louvain', 'louvain_anno'
    var: 'gene_ids', 'n_cells', 'highly_variable', 'means', 'dispersions', 'dispersions_norm'
    uns: 'louvain', 'louvain_colors', 'neighbors', 'pca', 'draw_graph', 'diffmap_evals', 'paga', 'louvain_sizes', 'louvain_anno_sizes', 'louvain_anno_colors'
    obsm: 'X_pca', 'X_umap', 'X_tsne', 'X_draw_graph_fa', 'X_diffmap'
    varm: 'PCs'
sc.tl.draw_graph(adata, init_pos='paga')
drawing single-cell graph using layout "fa"
    finished (1:03:55.77) --> added
    'X_draw_graph_fa', graph_drawing coordinates (adata.obsm)

Add pesudotime parameters

# the most primitive cell is refered as 0 persudotime.
# Group 13 is the nearest cell population to Hematopoietic stem cell.

adata.uns['iroot'] = np.flatnonzero(adata.obs['louvain_anno']  == '13')[0]
computing Diffusion Pseudotime using n_dcs=10
    finished (0:00:00.04) --> added
    'dpt_pseudotime', the pseudotime (adata.obs)
sc.pl.draw_graph(adata, color=['louvain_anno', 'dpt_pseudotime'],
                 legend_loc='right margin',title = ['','pseudotime'])
sc.pl.draw_graph(adata, color=['louvain_anno'],
                 legend_loc='right margin',title = ['']) #plot again to see full legends info

try other "iroot" setting

adata.uns['iroot'] = np.flatnonzero(adata.obs['louvain_anno']  == '5')[0]
sc.pl.draw_graph(adata, color=['louvain_anno', 'dpt_pseudotime'],
                 legend_loc='right margin',title = ['','pseudotime'])
computing Diffusion Pseudotime using n_dcs=10
    finished (0:00:00.04) --> added
    'dpt_pseudotime', the pseudotime (adata.obs)

Several other cell types are chosen to be "root" for diffusion pseudotime, however the pseudotime graphs look no big different.

..it doesn't look meaningful. didn't see any trajectory to describe cell development.

I think the "denoising graph" step is to blame. Will skip it next time.
Otherwise i should zoom it into a specific cell population, but have no idea which kind of cell i should choose...

Beautify the graphs

Choose the colors of the clusters a bit more consistently.

pl.figure(figsize=(8, 2))
for i in range(28):
    pl.scatter(i, 1, c=sc.pl.palettes.zeileis_26[i], s=200)
zeileis_colors = np.array(sc.pl.palettes.zeileis_26)
new_colors = np.array(adata.uns['louvain_anno_colors'])
new_colors[[13]] = zeileis_colors[[12]]  # Stem(?) colors / green
new_colors[[12]] = zeileis_colors[[5]]  # Ery colors / red
new_colors[[4,6,8,15,17]] = zeileis_colors[[17,17,17,16,16]]  # monocyte derived dendritic cell and pDC/ yellow
new_colors[[14,16,18]] = zeileis_colors[[16,16,16]]  # DC / yellow
new_colors[[0,3,9]] = zeileis_colors[[6,6,6]]  # T cell / light blue
new_colors[[7,10]] = zeileis_colors[[0,0]]  # NK cell / dark blue
new_colors[[1,11,22,19]] = zeileis_colors[[22,22,22,21]]  # B cell / pink
new_colors[[21,23,20]] = zeileis_colors[[25,25,25]]  # Not known / grey
new_colors[[2, 5]] = zeileis_colors[[25, 25]]  # outliers / grey
adata.uns['louvain_anno_colors'] = new_colors
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 315509 × 1314 
    obs: 'n_genes', 'percent_mito', 'n_counts', 'louvain', 'louvain_anno', 'dpt_pseudotime'
    var: 'gene_ids', 'n_cells', 'highly_variable', 'means', 'dispersions', 'dispersions_norm'
    uns: 'louvain', 'louvain_colors', 'neighbors', 'pca', 'draw_graph', 'diffmap_evals', 'paga', 'louvain_sizes', 'louvain_anno_sizes', 'louvain_anno_colors', 'iroot'
    obsm: 'X_pca', 'X_umap', 'X_tsne', 'X_draw_graph_fa', 'X_diffmap'
    varm: 'PCs'
sc.pl.draw_graph(adata, color=['louvain_anno'],
                 legend_loc='right margin',title = [''])

this is a piece of shit.
screw it!!!!!



    本文标题:实验记录12: scanpy轨迹分析的大型翻车现场
