Friends Season1 Episode 03
Episode 03
- leather-wearing alcoholics:穿皮衣的醉鬼
- wrist:手腕
- puff:吸烟,一口烟,从口中喷出;take a puff
- index finger:食指
- Satan: 撒旦
- minion:仆从,下属,小卒
- karma:因果报应
- karmic debt:孽债
- coyote:郊狼
- bashing: 痛打,乱打,抨击;press-bashing 报界抨击
- crooked:弯曲的,不正当的
- yardstick:标准,尺码
- Bugs Bunny cartoon: 兔八哥
- softball:垒球运动
- innate:先天的,与生俱来的
- gallon:加仑(容量单位)
- saltine:撒盐饼干
- tinfoil:锡纸,锡箔
- pretzel:椒盐卷饼,一种脆饼干
- hitchhiker:搭便车的人
- knuckle:关节
- knuckle-cracking:掰指关节,不停地抠响指关节
- snort: 发哼声
- endearing:可爱的,讨人喜欢的
- emphysema:肺气肿
- row:划船
- Viking:维京人,北欧海盗
- go through my email:检查邮件
- pick off:摘掉,拔去
- pick at:挑毛病
- the bottom line:底线,本质内容,最主要的
- nicotine patch:尼古丁贴片
- pop tart:馅饼
- How did it go? 进展如何
- Loosely transelated. 粗略地翻译一下
- Since when? Since always.
- Cushions the blow. 善意的谎言,安慰你
- Hold on a second.
- Did you notice?
- We're even.我们两清了
- There is nothing wrong with doing sth.
- What's up?
- How did it go?
本文标题:Friends Season1 Episode 03