Friends Season1 Episode 01

Friends Season1 Episode 01

作者: Hannahhao | 来源:发表于2020-01-31 19:25 被阅读0次

    Episode 01


    • hump: a small hill; 驼峰
    • hairpiece: a piece of false hair 假发
    • chalk:粉笔
    • aura:气质,氛围,光环,气场
    • cleanse:使清洁,使净化
    • lesbian:女同性恋
    • fixate (on/upon):把目光集中在...上
    • decaf:脱因咖啡
    • bridesmaid:伴娘
    • gravy boat:酱油壶,调味汁瓶
    • mitten:连指手套,无指手套
    • eyelash:睫毛
    • Aruba:阿鲁巴岛
    • bracket:支架,括号
    • bookcase:书架,书橱
    • Rocky Road:巧克力蛋糕; cookie dough:曲奇饼;bing cherry vanilla?
    • whipped: 搅起打泡沫的,鞭打的
    • whipped cream:发泡鲜奶油
    • horny: 欲火中烧的
    • smash:打碎,破碎
    • omelet: 煎蛋饼
    • hanger:衣架
    • beacon: 指路人,烽火,信号灯
    • upbeat:乐观的
    • stepdad:继父
    • albino:白化病者
    • windshield:挡风玻璃
    • Port authority:港务局
    • aromatherapy:芳香疗法
    • geeky:令人讨厌的
    • geeks: 奇葩
    • vulnerability:弱点


    • go through:经历
    • go out to dinner:出去吃晚饭
    • all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地
    • and it turns out (连读):原来是
    • keep fixating on (that):对...抓住不放,老提起,围着这个话题打转
    • say that out loud:大声说出来
    • strip joints:脱衣舞俱乐部
    • freak out:崩溃,处于极度高涨的情绪中
    • drift apart: 疏远,各奔东西
    • stop hitting on her: 别挑逗她了
    • buzz him in : 让他进来/给他开门
    • go screwed: 完蛋了
    • one flavor of ice cream
    • walk out on somebody:甩掉某人
    • being spit on:被人吐口水
    • be on a roll:
    • take credit for sb: 某人欠人情了
    • live off (parents):依靠某人生活


    • I feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine (肠), pulled it out of my mouth, and tied it around my neck.
    • To hell with her, she left me. 让她见鬼去吧
    • Taking control of your life.
    • It's/This is a Dear Diary moment.这真是个可以载入日记的时刻
    • That'd be good.
    • I am sorry I didn't catch your name.
    • I wish I could but I ...
    • I will not take this abuse. 我不会接受这个侮辱的。
    • How are you doing today?
    • What for? 为何目的?为什么?



          本文标题:Friends Season1 Episode 01
