网络与新媒体1501 20151302919 孔梓君
The CCTV News onced conducted a survey about the College entrance examination. 70% percent of the internet users agreed that the Maths exam should be cancelled. But after this news, another internet user left his comment, "The meaning that the Maths exam exist is to filter out these people." The data below can prove it is true that your knowledge and education can affect your fate.

From the chart above, we can easily see that each education class shows clear differential. So why 70% percent of people on the internet vote to cancel the Maths exam? The chart below give us answer.

Click to see the interactive form of this chart:
On the internet, the percentage of people with bechelor's degree is under 30%. Most of the voice is in the hands of low degree of education group. Out of their self-interest and social identity, they definitely will minimize the value of education. They think the Maths exam should be cancelled not because it is useless, but for it is not in their interest.
Many of these people hold the belief that learning high school's Maths do no good when you buying food in the supermarket afterwards. However, the College entrance examination is not a skill test but a quality test in order to pick up the great people who are the smarter, harder, and are more executive.
Education can totally change your fate indeed. Next time when someone saying something like"Taking higher education is useless", just show them the date above!