There are some definite benefits to working part-time while at university such as extra income, work experience and learning new skills. However, it can be hard to juggle work with your academic work and still try to maintain some kind of social life.
1. Plan ahead
This is absolutely key. Managing two schedules is a lot for anyone to deal with and will require meticulous planning, so you know exactly where you should be and when. Consider investing in a daily diary or planner.
2. Use your time wisely
If you have two hours to kill before a lecture, head to the library to do some research, or carry a textbook with you and get some reading done on the bus or during a lunch break. Grabbing these little moments can really help your productivity levels. And make sure you actually do these things rather than scrolling through Instagram for two hours.
3. Make time for yourself
However, in among all this, I cannot stress enough the importance of scheduling in downtime as well. This will help to combat the sense of burnout that can often accompany a packed schedule. Find little pockets of time where you can binge-watch a TV show, go out with friends or join a society. Anything that helps you unwind and relax will be beneficial to your mental and physical health.
4. Don’t overstretch yourself
This is a crucial point. Only take on work you can feasibly do. As much as this is true for your health, you need to look at the bigger picture – you’re unlikely to perform well at university if you are overtired and stressed.
5. Stay healthy
Try to maintain a reasonably healthy diet, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep and exercise as and when you can. 尽量保持合理健康饮食,多喝水,在允许范围内保持足够的睡眠和锻炼。
If you’re studying and working, chances are you are going to be using a lot of energy. This means that, more than ever, you should strive to eat enough nutritious food and get a good night’s sleep. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t do this all the time. Nobody is perfect, but aiming to eat a few more vegetables and trying to go to sleep half an hour earlier never really hurt anyone.