Self-report mea�sures have a key advantage: They’re easy and cheap to administer.
Self-report measures of personality traits and behaviors often work reason�ably well.
- 实施简单
- 报告的人格特征和性格往往相当准确
First, they
typically assume that respondents possess enough insight into their per�sonality characteristics to report on them accurately (de Waal, 2016; Nisbett
& Wilson, 1977; Oltmanns & Turkheimer, 2009).
Second, self-report questionnaires typically assume that participants are
honest in their responses.
Not surprisingly, some respondents engage in response sets — tendencies to distort their answers to questions...
A nearly opposite response set is malingering, the tendency to make ourselves appear psychologically disturbed with the aim of achieving a clear-cut personal goal (Ebrahim etal., 2015; Rogers, 2008).
- 会自我膨胀、美化,来自于自我觉察的不足
- 会表演,这是有意识的“欺骗”,甚至
- 让自己得病,出现心理障碍以保护自己
Rating data can circumvent some of the problems with self-report data, because observ�ers may not have the same “blind spots” as the people they’re rating (who are often called the targets of the rating).
其缺点,也来自于评价者的心理作用,会不自觉的由点及面,将喜爱或不喜爱扩大 —— 无论是正面的“光环效应”,还是负面的“号角效果”(恶魔长着horn):
Like self-report measures, rating data have their drawbacks too; one such shortcoming is the halo effect.
Conversely, if you detest a teacher, you’re more likely to punish him or her by providing poor ratings on teaching quality (this reverse halo effect is sometimes called the horns effect—picture a devil’s horns—or pitchfork effect.) (Corsini, 1999)