39.Five Bizarre Good Luck Charms

39.Five Bizarre Good Luck Charms

作者: 法雲 | 来源:发表于2017-03-23 18:41 被阅读2次

    [t]:舌尖抵上颚、不发声,爆破: foretell预言[fɔː'tel]
    www.Atlas Obscura—Curious and Wondrous Travel Destinations.


    • bizarre 长相奇怪的 [bɪ'zɑː]
      weirdo、odd ball行为奇怪的['wɪədəʊ]
      Everybody is somebody else别人's weirdo.
    • Luck Charm[tʃɑːm]护身符、魅力
    • dismiss[dɪs'mɪs]解散、无视 。~ A as B把A看做B而无视
    • purely wishful thinking['pjʊəlɪ]不切实际的幻想≈illusion错觉[ɪ'l(j)uːʒ(ə)n一路人]≈fantasy遐想['fæntəsɪ]
    • inanimate[ɪn'ænɪmət]无生命的
    • plague[pleɪg]苦恼n/v—pledge[pledʒ]保证
    • turns out结果是
    • so-called所谓的
    • unpredictable:Woman are ~
    • ladybug瓢虫
    • a universal truth 普遍真理Food is a subject of almost universal interest.
    • virgin['və:dʒin]圣母玛利亚,处女座
    • dominant占优势的, 支配的
      .... has achieved a dominant position in the world market.
      He takes the dominant position in their relationship.
    • accord[ə'kɔːd]一致、符合on ones own accord 自愿的
    • brush[brʌʃ]刷——blow[bləʊ]吹 it away
    • vulture['vʌltʃə]秃鹰
    • foretell预言[fɔː'tel]
    • gambler赌徒
    • bezoar牛黄,胃石['biːzɔː]
    • lottery彩票 ['lɒt(ə)rɪ]
    • Egyptians[i:'dʒipʃənz]埃及Egypt[ˈiːdʒɪpt]


    • MATTER
      What's matter?怎么啦
      事实上As a matter of fact,it's matter to me.
      No matter 不论
    • as long as:On the condition that 引导条件状语从句
    • 通知我 I am notified on time.
    • While=in spite of the fact that= although 引导的让步状语从句
      While never a big eater, she did snack a lot.[snæk]
    • ..makes it a popular choice for… 使得他备受。。的欢迎
    • Even if..., there's no guarantee that...
    • ...Be widely recognized as.../be well known as/ have long been seen as被广泛认为是
    • Despite=in spite of 、 despite the fact (that)
    • be familiar with熟悉
    • as a token of..:作为...的象征
      Please accept this ring as a token of my love/Appreciation.
    • slip your mind/memory忘了
      I meant打算 to buy some milk, but it completely slipped my mind.
      slip of the tongue/pen口误
      It was just a slip of the tongue.
    • Believe it or not,信不信由你,


    • How can any inanimate object determine whether you'll have a good day or one plagued by bad luck?
    • Even it works for me,there's no guarantee that it works for everyone.
    • Thanks to Uesing English Everyday .my English is geting better and better
    • I have got a crush on you!碾压
    • The power of love conquers everything!
    • ** I've got a feeling that Alex likes me, but that might just be wishful thinking.**
    • While never a big eater, she did snack a lot.[snæk]



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