Highlights from Day15

Highlights from Day15

作者: 荆棘海_Ph | 来源:发表于2019-03-17 22:56 被阅读0次
Hunting for other hints, he noticed that his team had captured information about which internet browser employees had used when they logged in to apply for their jobs. On a whim, he tested whether that choice might be related to quitting. He didn’t expect to find any correlation, assuming that browser preference was purely a matter of taste. But when he looked at the results, he was stunned: Employees who used Firefox or Chrome to browse the Web remained in their jobs 15 percent longer than those who used Internet Explorer or Safari.

1.hunt for xx hints:hunt表示捕猎,寻找,hint表示迹象,用这两个“小词”表示“寻找…迹象”非常生动,又同时押了韵。


例句:The data is captured by an optical scanner. 该数据是通过光学扫描仪采集的。

3.on a whim:whim表示突发的念头,一时兴致,a sudden feeling that you would like to do or have something, especially when there is no important or good reason.

on a whim为固定搭配,表示一时心血来潮,比如说:I didn’t leave just on a whim (=for no good reason) . 我不是一时心血来潮离开的。

4.a matter of taste:表示个人喜好,a matter of xx属于固定用法,表示是xx的事情而不是别的,比如a matter of fact. taste除了口味,还有一个意思是喜好,偏好,the kind of things that someone likes,可以用它来替换preference等词。

比如说:He asked about my taste in music. 他问我喜欢什么音乐。



例句:He looked completely stunned. 他看上去完全惊呆了。

Thinking it was a coincidence, Housman ran the same analysis for absences from work. The pattern was the same: Firefox and Chrome users were 19 percent less likely to miss work than Internet Explorer and Safari fans.

6.run a analysis:这里表达做分析并没有使用do或者conduct,而是用了run这个比较口语的小词,值得注意。

7.fans:通常我们在表达“使用xx的人”会想到user/who use…等等,这个fans在这里更加生动和生活化,更有偏好用xx的含义。



      本文标题:Highlights from Day15
