Best way to learn a foreign lanu

Best way to learn a foreign lanu

作者: 婧婧看世界 | 来源:发表于2019-02-20 20:31 被阅读11次

    Though some people might think that it would cause sever social problem and even practical problem when people have to speak a foreign language in a new country, I strongly disagree with this perception.

    For a language learner, to be exposed to the native language environment is the best and fastest way to acquaint a new language. If people can live in a country where they can only speak its language, they will soon learn the basic real life words and sentences by daily use. One of my friend used to speak poor English when he was Chinese High School but after he transferred to a American High School for three months, he started to get involved in local life and could communicate smoothly in English. Exposure to English language environment everyday play key importance for his improvement.

    Further more, although people cannot communicate freely at the beginning, they can use gesture, eye contact or other body language to express themselves. As long as they have good attitude to interact with others and avoid offensive behaviors, native speakers will be tolerant with foreigners. It is not only challenging to communicate in new language but also interesting because you can use creativity to deliver your messages.

    Also, living in new country can also boost up mutual understandings of both culture. When I was studying English in China, I found it hard to understand Western culture. Even though I read a lot of books and watch a variety of movies, I have no deep feeling of some western custom and have no ideas why some western have certain behaviors. After I went to Australia for two month, my understanding towards western world has changed and some questions are resolved by interaction with locals.

    All in all, it is beneficial for individuals to live in foreign country where they can only speak that language. This could be the best way to learn a new language and understand a new place, which is also important to be a global citizen.



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