day6 - The Ride of a Lifetime

day6 - The Ride of a Lifetime

作者: 小米火烧nalakuvara | 来源:发表于2022-03-16 21:30 被阅读0次

03/09 - 二月七 - ❄️


When the unexpected does happen, a kind of instinctive triage kicks in. You have to rely on your own internal "thread scale." There are drop-everything events, and there are others when you say to yourself, This is serious, I need to be engaged right now, but I also need to extricate myself and focus on other things and return to this later. Sometimes, even though you're "in charge", you need to be aware that in the moment you might have nothing to add, and so you don't wad in. You trust your people to do their jobs and focus your energies on some other pressing issue.


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