90天30个TED演讲 - Day 8: The puzzle

90天30个TED演讲 - Day 8: The puzzle

作者: 晚风过境 | 来源:发表于2019-08-18 10:03 被阅读0次

Day 8

Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation

The puzzle of motivation 英文字幕_腾讯视频



‘Get attention’ 开场

讲者开场吸引注意的方式很特别,上来直接一句‘make a confession’ 并且提到说是 ‘I wish no one would ever know’,每个人都有好奇心,也深深明白‘好奇害死猫’,但还是会忍不住八卦的天性而期待他赶紧说出他的'skeleton in the closet'究竟是什么。(其实我不太能够get为什么去读law school的笑点在哪里)

The candle problem权威性


Results Only Work Environment (the ROWE)

ROWE是又一个权威例子,这个演讲用了很多比较权威的例子来佐证讲者的观点,或者说是讲者通过研究了这么多例子,归纳总结提炼出这篇演讲的中心点,Intrinsic motivators versus extrinsic motivators. Autonomy, mastery and purpose, versus carrot and sticks, and who wins? Intrinsic motivation, autonomy, mastery and purpose, in a knockout.


讲者一上来很巧妙的表明自己lawyer的身份,顺势把听众带入一个lawyerly case的场景,在坐的听众都是jury,一下子让人有了参与感,需要先聆听他讲述case再去做判断表明立场看能不能被他说服,先通过The candle problem说明实验结果,强调其权威性,接着陈述他对于motivation的一些发现和理论支持,接着再以权威商业公司的例子作证他的观点,最后升华主题,这一发现可以strengthen our businesses, solve a lot of those candle problems, and maybe, 最后或许甚至可以change the world. 。整体演讲架构我的理解归纳如下:

- 吸引注意

make a confession

- 带入场景(参与感)

So, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, take a look at this. This is called the candle problem.

- 权威实验/发现

The candle problem

FedEx Days in Atlassian

Google (spend 20% of their time working on anything they want)

Results Only Work Environment (the ROWE)

Wikipedia model

- 强调主旨再升华(引人深思)

The science confirms what we know in our hearts. So if we repair this mismatch between science and business, if we bring our motivation, notions of motivation into 21st century, if we get past the lazy, dangerous, ideology of carrots and sticks, we can strengthen our business, we can solve a lot of these candle problems, and maybe, maybe --we can change the world.


《Drive》by Dan Pink



    本文标题:90天30个TED演讲 - Day 8: The puzzle
