Don't listen to prigs: profanity is glorious
I gave a TEDx talk organised by London Business School a few weeks ago. I did not think it wentparticularly well— all thefaffing[1]and rehearsing that TED demands had the effect of making me a cheesy,stilted[2]version of myself. As Iskulked[3]offstage, an MBA student came up to mein a state of great excitement. "That was awesome!" he said. Idemurred[4]but he went on: "I couldn't believe you said that!"
[1]faff about/around:to aimlessly waste time doing useless tasks 瞎忙活,不做正事
I decided to stopfaffingabout/aroundand get some work done.
[2]stilted:(of a person's behaviour or way of speaking or writing) too formal and not smooth or natural (言谈举止或写作风格)生硬的,不自然的
He writes in a formal and somewhatstiltedstyle.
[3]skulk:If you skulk somewhere, you hide or move around quietly because you do not want to be seen. 躲躲闪闪地走; 鬼鬼祟祟地行动
I thought I saw someoneskulkingin the bushes - maybe we should call the police.
[4]demur:to express disagreement or refuse to do something 提出异议;拒绝
The lawyer requested a break in the court case, but the judgedemurred.
This was puzzling, given I had just spent 18 minutes giving amotherhood-and-apple-pietalkabout why I wasjunking journalismto be a maths teacher. Then he explained: "You said the word bullshit! In a TED talk!"
We stared at each otherin mutual amazement. He was shocked at my use of the word. I was shocked at his shock.
To me bullshit is nota swear word: it is mymeat and potatoes[5]. It is what I have written about for decades. I use the word because there is none other thatdoes the trick[6]. I suppose I could say "nonsense" instead, but that would be a euphemism. And euphemism is almost always bullshit.
[5]meat and potatoes:the essential or basic part
Community service is themeat and potatoesof this program.
[6]do the trick:If something does the trick, it has the necessary or wanted effect. 奏效,起作用
This sauce needs more flavour - I know, some lemon juice shoulddo the trick.
Yet recently I have noticed something odd is happening. The corporate world, despite producing bullshit in ever greater amounts,is increasingly prudish aboutthe word itself. When I wrote a column on how to spot bullshit, a reader posted underneath: "I object to using BS (spelt out) in a daily newspaper, especially one as esteemed as the FT. These points can be made just as well withoutscatological language."
Asurprisinglylarge number ofFinancial Times readersrecommended the message.
Equally, when Travis Kalanick bangedanother nail in his own coffin[7]by getting caught on camera yelling at an Uber driver, the headlines were about his swearing. He saidthe dread word"bullshit" at least three times, but his real offence was that he refused to listen tothe financial woes ofthe driver, preferring tojab his fingerand shoutin an obnoxious[8]fashion.
同样的,当特拉维斯•卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)又一次自掘坟墓,被人拍到冲着一位优步(Uber)司机大喊大叫的时候,各大报纸头条都是关于他爆粗口的事情。他说了那个恶劣的词——“bullshit”——至少3次,但他真正的过错是拒绝倾听那名司机的经济困境,宁可用手指戳着对方,以一种令人反感的方式叫嚷。
[7]another/the final nail in the coffin:an event that causes the failure of something that had already started to fail 导致失败的事件,致命打击,催命符
That report drovethe final nail in the company's coffin.
[8]obnoxious:very unpleasant or rude 可憎的,令人讨厌的;粗鲁无礼的
When she's in a bad mood she'sobnoxiousto everyone.
My all-time favourite story ofmisplaced prudery[9]over swearing comes fromGoldman Sachs. During the financial crisis a leaked internal email described one of itsmortgage-backed securitiesas "one shitty deal". The bank's response? Ananti-swearing policy, which meant henceforth employees would be protected from language that might upset them.
关于对脏话不知所谓的假正经,一直以来我最爱的故事来自高盛(Goldman Sachs)。在金融危机期间,一封外泄的邮件称高盛的一只抵押支持债券是“屎一样的买卖”。高盛的回应呢?出台一项反粗口政策,这意味着从此以后高盛的员工将被保护起来,任何可能惹恼他们的话都不会落入他们的耳朵里。
While companies become morepriggish[10],the evidence mounts thatswearing at work is something we should be encouraging. I have just been sentan advance copy ofSwearing is Good for You: the Amazing Science of Bad Language by Emma Byrne, an impressive catalogue of research showing howeffing and blinding[11]helps us deal with pain, bond with others, is associated with intelligence and makes us more inclined to trust each other.
尽管企业变得更加自命清高,越来越多的证据表明,我们应该鼓励在工作中说脏话。最近我拿到了一本埃玛•伯恩(Emma Byrne)的《说脏话对你有益:脏话的奇妙科学》(Swearing is Good for You: the Amazing Science of Bad Language)先行版。这本令人印象深刻的著作列举了一系列研究,表明说脏话能帮助我们应对伤痛和与他人拉近关系,不仅与智力相关,还能让我们更倾向于信任彼此。
[10]priggish:like a prig 自以为是的;一本正经的
I found himpriggishand cold.
[11]effing and blinding:swearing, cursing.脏话,咒骂
Mucheffing and blindingcould be heard from the fans when they discovered that their team had lost.
It is a glorious,uplifting[12]read, but I do not think it quitegets to the heart ofit. My own research shows how swearing can help you be more successful bygetting your point acrossand having your own way. I have just searched the 41,000 emails in my FT inbox for the word fuck and got 146 results. Most were from friends and colleaguesengaging in banter, yet the few that came from strangers usedexpletives[13]to great effect. One man emailed asking for my help on something with a message that began: "Your podcasts are fucking fantastic." The addition of the swear word slowed me down, made me judge theoutrageous flatteryto be sincere andtricked me intosaying yes.
[12]uplifting:making someone feel better 鼓舞的;令人振奋的
For me it was a marvellouslyupliftingperformance.
[13]expletive:a word that is considered offensive 咒骂语;粗话
She dropped the book on her foot and let out a row/string ofexpletives.
In another, a reader forwarded a message that he had received from a McKinsey consultant that ended "Bests". "Who the fuck says 'bests'?" the reader wrote. Once again, I paid attention, laughed and put it in my bullshit cupboard with a view to giving it a prize.
Just in case anyone priggish is reading this, I ought to end with something obvious. Context is all. Swearing is only recommended for people who are amiable and know how to communicate. It should never be used by those who are nasty or angry.
Among the messages in my collection was one from a man who hadtaken exception to[14]something I had written. Hisstream of obscenitiesdeserved to be deleted unread, but I have kept it as evidence that swearing can still hurt and disgust — when it is used with just that intention.
[14]take exception to sth/sb:to be offended or made angry by something or someone 因…而不悦;生…的气;因…而忿恨
Why did youtake exception towhat he said? He was only joking.