Cognitive bias
A cognitive bias refers to a systematic pattern of deviation from normor rationality in judgment, whereby inferences about other people and situationsmay be drawn in an illogical fashion. Individuals create their own "subjectivesocial reality" from their perception of the input. An individual's constructionof social reality, not the objective input, may dictate their behaviour in the socialworld. Thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccuratejudgment, illogical interpretation, or what is broadly called irrationality.
Some cognitive biases are presumably adaptive. Cognitive biases may leadto more effective actions in a given context. Furthermore, cognitive biases enablefaster decisions when timeliness is more valuable than accuracy, as illustratedin heuristic. Other cognitive biases are a "by-product" of human processinglimitations, resulting from a lack of appropriate mental mechanisms (bounded rationality),or simply from a limited capacity for information processing.
A continually evolving list of cognitive biases has been identified overthe last six decades of research on human judgment and decision-making in cognitivescience, social psychology, and behavioral economics. Kahneman and Tversky (1996)argue that cognitive biases have efficient practical implications for areas includingclinical judgment, entrepreneurship, finance, and managemen.
Bias arises from various processes that are sometimes difficult to distinguish.These include
▲information-processing shortcuts (heuristics)
▲mental noise
▲the brain's limited information processing capacity
▲emotional and moral motivations
▲social influence
The notion of cognitive biases was introduced by Amos Tversky and DanielKahneman in 1972[19] and grew out of their experience of people's innumeracy, orinability to reason intuitively with the greater orders of magnitude. Tversky, Kahnemanand colleagues demonstrated several replicable ways in which human judgments anddecisions differ from rational choice theory. Tversky and Kahneman explained humandifferences in judgement and decision making in terms of heuristics. Heuristicsinvolve mental shortcuts which provide swift estimates about the possibility ofuncertain occurrences (Baumeister & Bushman, 2010, p. 141). Heuristics are simplefor the brain to compute but sometimes introduce "severe and systematic errors"(Tversky & Kahneman, 1974, p. 1125).
认知偏差的概念由Amos Tversky以及Daniel Kahneman于1972年提出的。当时的根据是他们关于数盲症或者不能直觉地根据重要性的顺序进行思考。Tversky,Kahnemean和他们的同事向我们展示了几种人们在进行判断和做决策时几种反复出现的思维模式,这些思为模式与理性选择理论所提供的有很大的差别。Tversky和Kahenman从直觉来解释人类在做判断和决策时的这种思考模式。直觉涉及对未知事件发生的可能性进行快速评估的一种心理捷径。(Tversky和Kahneman,1974,p1125)
For example, the representativeness heuristic is defined as the tendencyto "judge the frequency or likelihood" of an occurrence by the extentof which the event "resembles the typical case" (Baumeister & Bushman,2010, p. 141). The "Linda Problem" illustrates the representativenessheuristic (Tversky & Kahneman, 1983[21] ). Participants were given a descriptionof "Linda" that suggests Linda might well be a feminist (e.g., she issaid to be concerned about discrimination and social justice issues). They werethen asked whether they thought Linda was more likely to be a "(a) bank teller"or a "(b) bank teller and active in the feminist movement". A majoritychose answer (b). This error (mathematically, answer (b) cannot be more likely thananswer (a)) is an example of the “conjunction fallacy”; Tversky and Kahneman arguedthat respondents chose (b) because it seemed more "representative" ortypical of persons who might fit the description of Linda. The representativenessheuristic may lead to errors such as activating stereotypes and inaccurate judgementsof others (Haselton et al., 2005, p. 726).
Alternatively, critics of Kahneman and Tversky such as Gerd Gigerenzerargue that heuristics should not lead us to conceive of human thinking as riddledwith irrational cognitive biases, but rather to conceive rationality as an adaptivetool that is not identical to the rules of formal logic or the probability calculus.[22]Nevertheless, experiments such as the “Linda problem” grew into the heuristics andbiases research program which spread beyond academic psychology into other disciplinesincluding medicine and political science.
此外,Kahneman的反对者如Gerd Gigerenzer则认为直觉不能让我们把人类的思维想象成充满了非理性的认知偏差,它应该让我们意识到理性是一个自动适应的工具,并不完全是逻辑的规则和可能性的计算。
Biases can be distinguished on a number of dimensions. For example, thereare biases specific to groups (such as the risky shift) as well as biases at theindividual level.
Some biases affect decision-making, where the desirability of optionshas to be considered (e.g., sunk costs fallacy). Others such as illusory correlationaffect judgment of how likely something is, or of whether one thing is the causeof another. A distinctive class of biases affect memory,[23] such as consistencybias (remembering one's past attitudes and behavior as more similar to one's presentattitudes).
Some biases reflect a subject's motivation,[24] for example, the desirefor a positive self-image leading to egocentric bias[25] and the avoidance of unpleasantcognitive dissonance. Other biases are due to the particular way the brain perceives,forms memories and makes judgments. This distinction is sometimes described as "hotcognition" versus "cold cognition", as motivated reasoning can involvea state of arousal.
Among the "cold" biases,
▲some are due to ignoring relevant information (e.g. neglect of probability)
▲some involve a decision or judgement being affected by irrelevant information(for example the framing effect where the same problem receives different responsesdepending on how it is described; or the distinction bias where choices presentedtogether have different outcomes than those presented separately)
▲others give excessive weight to an unimportant but salient feature ofthe problem (e.g., anchoring)
The fact that some biases reflect motivation, and in particular the motivationto have positive attitudes to oneself[25] accounts for the fact that many biasesare self-serving or self-directed (e.g. illusion of asymmetric insight, self-servingbias, projection bias). There are also biases in how subjects evaluate in-groupsor out-groups; evaluating in-groups as more diverse and "better" in manyrespects, even when those groups are arbitrarily-defined (ingroup bias, outgrouphomogeneity bias).
Some cognitive biases belong to the subgroup of attentional biases whichrefer to the paying of increased attention to certain stimuli. It has been shown,for example, that people addicted to alcohol and other drugs pay more attentionto drug-related stimuli. Common psychological tests to measure those biases arethe Stroop Task[26][27] and the Dot Probe Task.
Fundamental attribution error(FAE)
Also known as the correspondence bias (Baumeister & Bushman, 2010) is the tendency for people to over-emphasize personality-based explanations for behaviours observed in others. At the same time, individuals under-emphasize the role and power of situational influences on the same behaviour. Jones and Harris’ (1967)[28]classic study illustrates the FAE. Despite being made aware that the target’s speech direction (pro-Castro/anti-Castro) was assigned to the writer, participants ignored the situational pressures and attributed pro-Castro attitudes to the writer when the speech represented such attitudes.
Confirmation bias
The tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions. In addition, individuals may discredit information that does not support their views.[29]The confirmation bias is related to the concept ofcognitive dissonance. Whereby, individuals may reduce inconsistency by searching for information which re-confirms their views (Jermias, 2001, p. 146).
biasThe tendency to claim more responsibility for successes than failures. It may also manifest itself as a tendency for people to evaluate ambiguous information in a way beneficial to their interests.
When one's evaluation of the logical strength of an argument is biased by their belief in the truth or falsity of the conclusion.
Using a too-narrow approach and description of the situation or issue.
Sometimes called the "I-knew-it-all-along" effect, is the inclination to see past events as being predictable.
A 2012 Psychological Bulletin article suggests that at least 8 seemingly unrelated biases can be produced by the same information-theoretic generative mechanism.[15]It is shown that noisy deviations in the memory-based information processes that convert objective evidence (observations) into subjective estimates (decisions) can produce regressive conservatism, the belief revision(Bayesian conservatism),illusory correlations,illusory superiority(better-than-average effect) and worse-than-average effect, subadditivity effect, exaggeratered expectation, over confidence, and the hard-easy effect.
2012年Psychological Bulletin上面的一篇文章指出至少有8中看起来不相关的偏见源于相同的信息-理论生产机理。研究表明,在我们大脑以记忆为基础的信息处理过程中,将客观证据(观察到的现象)转变为主管的评价(决定)的各种偏见能够产生倒退的保守主义、信念修正(贝叶斯保守主义)、相关的错觉、虚幻的优越感(比平均优秀效应)和差于平均效应、subadditivity效应、过分相信不符合现实的期望以及轻视困难的效应。
Practical significance
Many social institutions rely on individuals to make rationaljudgments.
The securities regulation regime largely assumes that all investorsact as perfectly, rational persons. In truth, actual investors face cognitivelimitations from biases, heuristics, and framing effects.
A fair jury trial, for example, requires that the jury ignore irrelevant features of the case, weigh the relevant features appropriately, consider different possibilities open-mindedly and resist fallacies such as appeal to emotion.The various biases demonstrated in these psychological experiments suggest that people will frequently fail to do all these things.[31]However, they fail to do so in systematic, directional ways that are predictable.
Cognitive biases are also related to the persistence ofsuperstition, to large social issues such as prejudice, and they also work as ahindrance in the acceptance of scientific non-intuitive knowledge by thepublic.
However, in some academic disciplines, the study of bias is verypopular. For instance, bias is a wide spread phenomenon and well-studied,because most decisions that concern the minds and hearts of entrepreneurs are computationally intractable
Similar to Gigerenzer (1996), Haselton et al. (2005) state the content and direction of cognitivebiases are not "arbitrary" (p. 730). Moreover, cognitive biases can be controlled. Debiasing is atechnique which aims to decrease biases by encouraging individuals to use controlled processing compared to automatic processing (Baumeister &Bushman, 2010, p. 155).[35]In relation to reducing the FAE, monetary incentives and informing participants they will be held accountable for theirattributions[37]have been linked to the increase of accurate attributions. Training has also shown to reduce cognitive bias. Morewedge and colleagues (2015) found that research participants exposed to one-shot training interventions, such aseducational videos and debiasing games that taught mitigating strategies,exhibited significant reductions in their commission of six cognitive biases immediately and up to 3 months later.
Cognitive bias modificationrefers to the process of modifying cognitivebiases in healthy people and also refers to a growing area of psychological(non-pharmaceutical) therapies for anxiety, depression and addiction calledcognitive bias modification therapy (CBMT). CBMT is sub-group of therapieswithin a growing area of psychological therapies based on modifying cognitiveprocesses with or without accompanying medication and talk therapy, sometimesreferred to as applied cognitive processing therapies (ACPT). Althoughcognitive bias modification can refer to modifying cognitive processes inhealthy individuals, CBMT is a growing area of evidence-based psychological therapy,in which cognitive processes are modified to relieve suffering[39][40]from seriousdepression,[41]anxiety,[42]and addiction.[43]CBMT techniques are technology assisted therapies that are deliveredvia a computer with or without clinician support. CBM combines evidence andtheory from the cognitive model of anxiety,[44]cognitive neuroscience,[45]and attentional models.[46]