每日短语 Take the rough with smooth (苦乐同在) It means you have ...
每日短语 That will teach you 这回你该长记性了You might say it to some...
每日短语 Just the ticket (正是需要的) It means you want something ...
每日短语 get lost(走来) What you can say to someone if they are...
每日短语 do a runner(溜之大吉) If you mean to leave a place in or...
每日短语 To have a good nose(擅长做某事) When you have a nose – or...
每日短语 Friends in high places 身处高位的朋友 if you have friends i...
每日短语 Out of loop 圈外人 <> In the loop 圈内人 It means you don’...
每日短语 The best of both worlds (两全齐美) It means that you get...
本文标题:每日短语: poor you