
作者: 极客与宽客 | 来源:发表于2019-03-19 10:00 被阅读12次


    get lost(走来)

    What you can say to someone if they are really annoying you,it means go away, leave me alone

    Eg1:I don’t need you to tell me everything, just get lost!


    All that exists is what’s ahead.



    Europe and America must work to stop their relationship unraveling(解体)

    The Atlantic ocean(大西洋) is starting to look awfully wide. To Europeans, the United States appears ever more remote, under a puzzling(令人费解的) president who delights in bullying them(喜欢欺负他们), questions the future of the transatlantic alliance(跨大西洋联盟) and sometimes shows more warmth towards dictators than democrats(与民主人士相比,对独裁者更加温暖。). Americans see an aging continent(一个老龄化大陆) that, though fine for tourists, is coming apart at the seams politically and falling behind economically(虽然对游客来说很好,但在政治上却在分裂,在经济上落后)—as feeble(弱) in growth as it is excessive in regulation(监管过度). To Atlanticists, including this newspaper, such fatalism(宿命论) about the divisions(分裂) between Europe and America is worrying. It is also misplaced.

    True, some gaps are glaring(一些差距很明显). America has abandoned the Paris climate accord and the nuclear deal with Iran, whereas Europe remains committed to both. Other disagreements threaten. President Donald Trump has called the European Union a “foe(敌人)” on trade and is weighing up punitive tariffs(惩罚性关税) on European cars. Trust has plummeted(信任度急剧下降). Only one in ten Germans has confidence that Mr Trump will do the right thing in world affairs, down from nearly nine out of ten who trusted Barack Obama in 2016. Twenty years ago nato(北约) celebrated its 50th anniversary with a three-day leaders’ summit. Fear of another bust-up(争吵) with Mr Trump has relegated(降级) plans for the alliance’s 70th birthday party on April 4th to a one-day meeting of foreign ministers.



