

作者: 莘涯 | 来源:发表于2020-06-13 09:19 被阅读0次

共享经济的特点有,第三方创建的、以信息技术为基础的市场平台,这个第三方可以是商业机构、组织或者政府,个体借助这些平台,交换闲置物品 ,分享自己的知识、经验,或者向企业、某个创新项目筹集资金,它牵扯到三大主体,即商品或服务的需求方、供给方和共享经济平台。

share economy




The characteristics of the sharing economy include a market platform based on information technology created by a third party. This third party can be a commercial institution, organization, or government. Individuals use these platforms to exchange idle items, share their knowledge, experience, or Funds raised by an enterprise or an innovation project involve three main bodies, namely, the demand side, supply side, and sharing economy platform of goods or services.

The essence of the sharing economy is to “integrate offline idle goods or service providers and let them provide products or services at a lower price. For the supply side, by giving up the right to use the goods or provide services within a certain period of time, Obtain a certain monetary return; for the demand side, the ownership of the goods is not directly owned, but the goods are used through renting, borrowing and other sharing methods. "The sharing economy emphasizes the improvement of the efficiency of the use of resources, highlighting the "use rights" rather than " "Ownership" emphasizes an open and decentralized organization.

The sharing economy must meet three parts to be sustainable: first, the resources are idle, which is the premise; second, the Internet matches, because the mobile Internet is the most convenient; third, the continuous purchase, supply and demand balance, and continuous purchase can only benefit from all aspects , And the balance between supply and demand can continue.

To sum up, a good platform is the cornerstone of sharing.


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