

作者: 李白杜甫雨果吐温 | 来源:发表于2019-10-23 06:51 被阅读0次

The wine in the golden cup is worth ten thousand yuan a bucket,

and the dishes in the jade plate are worth ten thousand yuan.

Depressed, I put down the cup and chopsticks ,and do not want to eat;

I draw my sword and look around me in a daze.

I want to cross the Yellow River, but frozen ice and snow has sealed the river;

I want to climb Taihang mountain, but the snow has covered it.

Like Jiang Shang fished beside a  creek in his free time,

suddenly I dreamed like I was Yi Yin, who sailed by the sun.

How difficult the road of life is!

Where are you now, with so many roads to cross?

I believe that the time to ride the wind and break the waves will come,

and then I will set sail and cross the sea!


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