

作者: iGlobalist | 来源:发表于2018-08-07 21:38 被阅读4次

Economic growth

What America’s latest GDP figures reveal

The economy is as strong as Donald Trump says—but perhaps not for long

Aug 2nd 2018


STATISTICAL releases seldom propel presidents onto the White House lawn for press conferences. But on July 27th President Donald Trump was “thrilled” to announce that America’s economy grew by the “amazing” rate of 4.1% in the second quarter of 2018—enough to put it on track for average annual growth of over 3%. Most important, he bragged, “these numbers are very, very sustainable.”

Championing early estimates of GDP is a risky business, because perky performance can be revised away. In this case the numbers were an advance release based on incomplete data. Between 1993 and 2016 such estimates were revised by an average of 1.3 percentage points. (Of course, what can go down can also go up.) The 4.1% growth rate that Mr Trump found so stunning was an annualised one, which compounds quarterly GDP growth assuming three more quarters of identical change. That measure is prone to being bumped around by one-off effects. The latest figures were boosted by a temporary surge in exports of “foods, feed and beverages”, as exporters of soyabeans raced to get their produce into China ahead of tariffs imposed on July 6th. Though very strong, the growth was hardly unprecedented. It was higher four times during Barack Obama’s presidency (see chart).

Yet the figures are not to be scoffed at. Analysts were pleasantly surprised by the composition of growth, which appeared to be fuelled by American shoppers buying cars, clothing and footwear, as well as paying for housing and health care. Using a smoother measure of growth, which compares quarterly GDP with the same quarter a year ago, the economy still grew in the second quarter by a healthy 2.8%. If growth for the year as a whole reaches 3%, as the president has boldly predicted, few forecasters would be shocked. In April the IMF forecast growth of 2.9%; the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) went for 3.3%.

Mr Trump’s claim that a 3% growth rate is sustainable is more dubious. The tariffs he loves to impose could blow the economy off course. Even if they do not, some part of the economy’s buoyancy is probably only temporary, and related to a cyclical upswing. Some is probably due to the recent tax cuts, which the CBO estimates will add around 0.3% to American GDP this year and 0.6% next year. Beyond that, they reckon, the positive effects will fade as bigger budget deficits crowd out private-sector investment.

In the long run, America’s economic potential depends on how many workers it has and how productive they are. The workforce is growing more slowly than in the past, partly because the large baby-boom generation is retiring and partly because the surge of women into paid employment has run its course. Given how disappointing productivity performance has been in recent years, it is unsurprising that bodies like the CBO and the Federal Reserve seem sceptical that the American economy can sustain a real long-run growth rate far above 2%.

The president’s economic team may protest that his tax reforms should stoke investment, raising America’s economic capacity. Business investment grew by an annualised rate of 7.3% in the second quarter of 2018. That is welcome, but it cannot really be attributed to the tax package. About half of the overall rise reflected a high oil price stimulating investment in mining exploration, shafts and wells. Alternatively, critics of the Federal Reserve gripe that its gloomy forecasts have been self-fulfilling, and that America’s persistently disappointing wage and productivity growth over the past few years comes partly from monetary policymakers’ unwillingness to let the labour market roar.

If Mr Trump is wrong, and the economy cannot sustain a growth rate of 3%, policies to try to get it there may only stoke price increases. The rate-setters at the Federal Reserve are keenly aware of this risk. On July 31st new figures revealed core inflation (excluding volatile food and energy prices) to be 1.9%, close to the 2% target. Although they held interest rates steady when they met on August 1st, two more increases are expected this year. Rate-setters fear that a burst of inflation is too close for comfort, and that if they do not squeeze the economy’s brakes slowly now, a more abrupt stop might be required later. In doing so, they are making Mr Trump’s hopes of 3% growth harder to realise. To the president, this may seem cruel. But he is not alone in the driver’s seat.




