

作者: 刘晓江爱养牛 | 来源:发表于2018-10-30 21:58 被阅读0次


Unimpeded Trade 

Removing barriers to trade with the aim of unleashing the potential for greater cooperation between countries in volved is a major task in building the Belt and Road.Major measures the countries and regions along the Belt and Road could take include:creating mechanisms to facilitate free trade and the removal of investment and trade barriers;opening free tde areas to create a business-friendly environment at the regional levels and unleash the potential for cooperation;improving the transparency of technical measures and reducing non-tariff barriers in order to liberalize and facilitate trade;expanding trading areas,improving trade structures,and exploring new growth areas in order to attain trade balance;integrating investment and trade,and boosting trade with investment;incorporating a focus on cooperation in ecological conservation,protecting bio-diversity and addressing climate change into investment and trade strategies in a joint effort to build a Silk Road to green development;optimizing industry,value,supply and service chains,and promoting economic complementarity,interaction and mutual assistance between countries and regions concerned;and exploring new development opportunities,and creating an open economic environment that encourages the search for win-win solutions,respects diversity,enhances security and promotes efficiency.Unimpeded Trade 

Removing barriers to trade with the aim of unleashing the potential for greater cooperation between countries in volved is a major task in building the Belt and Road.Major measures the countries and regions along the Belt and Road could take include:creating mechanisms to facilitate free trade and the removal of investment and trade barriers;opening free trade areas to create a business-friendly environment at the regional levels and unleash the potential foe cooperation;improving the transparency of technical measures and reducing non-tariff barriers in order to liberalize and facilitate trade;expanding trading areas,improving trade structures,and exploring new growth areas in order to attain trade balance;integrating investment and trade,and boosting trade with investment;incorporating a focus on cooperation in ecological conservation,protecting bio-diversity and addressing climate change into investment and trade strategies in a joint effort to build a Silk Road to green development;optimizing industry,value,supply and service chains,and promoting economic complementarity,interaction and mutual assistance between countries and regions concerned;and exploring new development opportunities,and creating an open economic environment that encourages the search for win-win solutions,respects diversity,enhances security and promotes efficiency.


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