- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
Attended Students:11
Attendance Record:
John (31) Eliot (25) Beatrice (31) Ethan (15) Camila (9) Jacob (15) Jaden (15) Bea (10) Alfonso (10) Riley (26) Jordane (25)
Unattended students: 1
Atarah (3)
Cici (sing songs ) Hilde (Catechism) George (Bible Story)
Cici Riley Jordane: Game Cici: (Coordinator)
Classroom: Room 304
The content of the class
1:Beginning prayer( We prayed Our Father、Hail Mary、Glory to be. )
Beatrice led the prayer.
2: Sing songs 《 Santa Claus Is Coming To Town》
3:Catechism The Sacrament of Baptism
The three effects of Baptism are:
1: Purifies
2: Justifies
3: Sanctifies

4: Bible Story The Birth of Jesus
Angel Gabriel told Mary that she was going to have a baby. She gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem.

5: Game ( Hot Potato & UNO Spoon)
We passed the ball around with music. When the music stopped, Whoever had the ball sang the song or said " Lord's Prayer". John prayed Our Father in English, Camila prayed in Italian.
We played UNO cards with spoons too.

Notes: We celebrated the birthday for Beatrice and Clementine.
