1.如何判断一棵树 A 是不是另外一棵树 B 的子树
A== B 或者 A是B的左子树或者 A是B的右子树
那么A ==B 的条件是:A 所有节点的值和B的所有对应节点的值相等
2.树的时间复杂度要看节点的个数,假设A有 m个节点,B有n个节点
最坏情况下,每次判断A是否和B 某个节点对应的子树相同时,需要遍历A中所有的节点,所以时间复杂度为 O(m) B中所有的节点都会遍历,所以总时间复杂度 为 O(m * n)
Recursion depth refers to the number of recursive calls that are active at the same time. Each recursive call adds a new frame to the call stack. The depth of recursion is the maximum number of these frames that can exist simultaneously during the execution of the recursive algorithm.
isSubtree Method:
The space complexity is determined by the recursion depth, which is the height of the tree.
In the worst case (skewed tree), the height is 𝑂(𝑛)
isSameTree Method:
Similarly, the space complexity is determined by the recursion depth, which is the height of the subtree being compared.
In the worst case, this height is 𝑂(𝑚)
Combined Space Complexity:
The maximum depth of recursion when both methods are called is O(n+m).