Mark 14:17-31 |
马可福音 14:17-31 |
17 And when it was evening, he came with the twelve. 18 And as they were reclining at table and eating, Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me.” 19 They began to be sorrowful and to say to him one after another, “Is it I?” 20 He said to them, “It is one of the twelve, one who is dipping bread into the dish with me. 21 For the Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.” 22 And as they were eating, he took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” 23 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. 24 And he said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. 25 Truly, I say to you, I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” 26 And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. 27 And Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away, for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ 28 But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee.” 29 Peter said to him, “Even though they all fall away, I will not.” 30 And Jesus said to him, “Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” 31 But he said emphatically, “If I must die with you, I will not deny you.” And they all said the same. |
17到了晚上,耶稣和十二门徒来了。 18 他们坐着吃饭的时候,耶稣说:“我实在告诉你们,你们中间有一个跟我一起吃饭的人要出卖我。” 19 他们就很忧愁,一个一个地问他:“是我吗?” 20 耶稣对他们说:“他是十二门徒里的一个,和我一同把手蘸在盘子里的。 21 正如经上指着人子所说的,他固然要离世,但出卖人子的那人有祸了! 他没有生下来还好。” 22 他们吃的时候,耶稣拿起饼来,祝谢了,就擘开,递给门徒,说:“你们拿去吃吧,这是我的身体。” 23 又拿起杯来,祝谢了就递给门徒,他们都喝了。 24 耶稣说:“这是我的血,是为立约的,为许多人流出来的。 25 我实在告诉你们,我决不再喝这葡萄酒,直到我在 神的国里喝新酒的那一天。” 26 他们唱完了诗,就出来,往橄榄山去。 27 耶稣对他们说:“你们都要后退,因为经上记着:‘我要击打牧人, 羊群就分散了。’ 28 但我复活以后,要比你们先到加利利去。” 29 彼得对他说:“就算所有的人都后退,我却不会。” 30 耶稣对他说:“我实在告诉你,就在今天晚上,鸡叫两遍以前,你会三次不认我。” 31 彼得更坚决地说:“就算必须与你一同死,我也决不会不认你!” 众人也都这样说。 |
Introduction |
引言 |
This is the third sermon now on Mark 14. We are beginning to see the abandonment train is picking up steam and picking up passengers. But we are also seeing that Jesus remains in complete control. |
今天是马可福音14章的第三篇讲道。我们开始看到遗弃的火车在逐渐加速,一路加载乘客。但是我们也看到一切都在耶稣掌控之中。 |
We will see both of those themes coming together again in today’s passage. In fact, we have another use of this structural device that sandwiches them together. |
在今天的信息中我们将看到这两个主题继续交织。事实上,我们又一次看到三明治式的结构。 |
The Divine Design in the Rejection of Jesus |
耶稣被拒绝的神意设计 |
1. Jesus Predicts Judas’ Betrayal (17-21) |
1.耶稣预言犹大出卖自己(17-21节) |
2. Jesus Institutes the Last Supper (22-25) |
2.耶稣设立最后的晚餐(22-25节) |
3. Jesus Predicts Peters’ Denial (26-31) |
3.耶稣预言彼得不认自己(26-31节) |
1. Jesus Predicts Judas’ Betrayal (v. 17-21) |
1.耶稣预言犹大出卖自己(17-21节) |
17 And when it was evening, he came with the twelve. 18 And as they were reclining at table and eating, Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me.” 19 They began to be sorrowful and to say to him one after another, “Is it I?” 20 He said to them, “It is one of the twelve, one who is dipping bread into the dish with me. 21 For the Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.” |
17 到了晚上,耶稣和十二门徒来了。 18 他们坐着吃饭的时候,耶稣说:“我实在告诉你们,你们中间有一个跟我一起吃饭的人要出卖我。” 19 他们就很忧愁,一个一个地问他:“是我吗?” 20 耶稣对他们说:“他是十二门徒里的一个,和我一同把手蘸在盘子里的。 21 正如经上指着人子所说的,他固然要离世,但出卖人子的那人有祸了! 他没有生下来还好。” |
The reference to “eating” shows that they were in the third phase of the traditional Passover meal. The Passover meal was a family meal. Passover was a celebration commemorating how the Jews were delivered from the Egyptians. The Jews put the blood of a Lamb on the door frames and the angel of death would “pass over” their home and not kill the firstborn (Exod. 12). The eldest male would retell the feast and interpret it with emphasis on remembering the past deliverance and looking forward to the future deliverance the Messiah would bring. |
“吃”的提法表明它们处于传统逾越节餐的第三阶段。 逾越节餐是一顿家庭餐。 逾越节是纪念犹太人如何从埃及人那里获得自由的庆祝活动。 犹太人把一只羔羊的血涂在门框上,死亡天使将“越过”他们的家,而不杀死长子(出埃及记12章)。 最年长的男性会重述这个节日并对其进行解释,重点是记念过去的拯救,并期待弥赛亚将带来的拯救。 |
The Mishnah (Jewish writings) said that a Passover celebration would walk through Psalms 113-118. The actual meal consisted of four parts and each part concluded with the drinking of a cup of wine. |
密西拿(犹太人的著作)说,逾越节的庆祝活动由吟诵诗篇113-118贯穿始终。 实际进餐有四个步骤,每个步骤都以喝一杯酒为结束。 |
In the first part, the family head would pronounce a blessing upon the family. Second, a child would ask what makes this particular night different from other nights. Then the father would recount the deliverance from Egypt by going through Deut. 26:5-9. Third, the father would declare a benediction over the various foods that symbolized the bitter captivity in Egypt and both the hardships and blessings of the Exodus: unleavened bread, bitter herbs, greens, stewed fruit, and roast lamb. Family and guests were then invited to partake of the meal. Fourth, the feast would conclude around midnight with the singing of Psalms 116–18 and the drinking of the fourth cup of wine (Edwards, p. 423). |
在第一个阶段中,家里的最长者会对全家人祝福。 第二个阶段,孩子会先问这个特殊的夜晚与其他夜晚有什么不同。 然后,父亲将通过申命记26章5-9节重述从埃及的解救。 第三阶段,父亲将用各种食物分别象征在埃及苦涩囚禁以及出埃及的艰辛和祝福:无酵饼,苦菜,青菜,炖水果和烤羊肉,进行祝祷。 然后请家人和客人吃。 第四阶段,宴会将在午夜左右结束,吟诵诗篇116-18,并喝第四杯酒(爱德华兹,第423页)。 |
Therefore, the reference to “eating” shows that this scene takes place during the third phase of the Passover celebration – the actual meal. At this point during the meal Jesus declares that someone there will betray him. The reference to “one of them will betray him,” does not limit the list of suspects very much. |
因此,“吃”的提法表明这一场景发生在逾越节庆祝活动的第三阶段 - 实际用餐。 在用餐期间,耶稣宣称有人将会出卖祂。 提及“其中一人将背叛祂”,并未严格限制嫌疑人名单。 |
It is quite probable that more people are present for this meal than just the twelve. Mark is being selective in his account. He focuses only on Jesus’ betrayal and his coming death as a sacrifice in fulfillment of the Passover sacrifice. He obviously does not record the entire Passover ceremony. He does not even mention all the aspects of the meal. He does not even mention the presence of other people besides the twelve. For example, it almost certain that there were He is obviously being selective – focusing only on the fact of Jesus’ betrayal and his coming death as a sacrifice in fulfillment of the Passover sacrifice. |
吃这顿饭的人很可能不止十二门徒。马可在他的叙述中有选择性。他只关注耶稣被出卖及其即将到来的死亡,作为履行逾越节牺牲的祭品。他显然没有记录整个逾越节仪式。他甚至没有记录这顿饭的所有层面。除了十二门徒以外,他甚至没有提到其他人的存在。例如,这是几乎可以肯定的。他显然是有选择性的 - 只关注耶稣被出卖的事实和祂即将去世的牺牲,以履行逾越节的献祭。 |
Commentators make a compelling case that women were present here (Edwards, 422). First, we are told later that “many women” accompanied Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem (15:41). It is simply not likely that the women who followed Jesus would be excluded from this key ceremony. Second, a “large room” (14:15) would have been unnecessary for 13 people. Third, why would Jesus have to clarify that the betrayer was “one of the Twelve” (14:20) if only the twelve disciples were there? |
注释家们提出了一个令人信服的论证,称有女性也在其中(Edwards,422页)。首先,我们后来被告知“许多女人”陪伴耶稣从加利利到耶路撒冷(15:41)。跟随耶稣的妇女根本不可能被排除在这个关键仪式之外。其次,13个人不需要“大房间”(14:15)。第三,如果只有十二个门徒在那里,为什么耶稣必须澄清背叛者是“十二门徒里的一个”(14:20)? |
Once Jesus narrows down the reference to the twelve. The suspects are those who had their very hands in Jesus’ bowl. |
耶稣把范围缩小到了十二人,进一步指出嫌疑人正好把手放在耶稣碗里。 |
Notice what Jesus says. The betrayal does not take him by surprise. He predicts it and he says it was prophesied. All things will happen according to what Scripture says will happen, but he pronounces a prophetic woe upon the person that carries out the betrayal. |
注意耶稣说的话。 背叛并没有让衪感到意外。 祂预知到了这一点,并说这是先知预言中所说的。 所有的事情都会按照圣经所说的发生,但祂会对背叛者宣告此人有祸了。 |
21 For the Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.” |
21 正如经上指着人子所说的,他固然要离世,但出卖人子的那人有祸了! 他没有生下来还好。” |
The two parts of verse 21 are an almost perfectly balanced blend of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility: |
第21节的两部分几乎完美地平衡了上帝的主权和人类的责任: |
God’s sovereignty: “For the Son of Man goes as it is written of him” (14:21a) |
神的主权:“正如经上指着人子所说的”(14:21a) |
Human responsibility: “but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed” (14:21b) |
人的责任:“但出卖人子的那人有祸了”(14:21b) |
Let’s take the first half first. The Son of Man will go as it is written of him. Where does the Bible say that the Son of Man will suffer? Daniel 7 does not speak of the suffering of the Son of Man. Once again Jesus connects two texts that no one seemed to connect: The Daniel 7 Son of Man and the Isaiah 53 Suffering Servant. |
让我们先来谈谈前半部分。人子要经受经上指着祂所写的事。圣经哪里写了人子要受苦?但以理书7章没有说人子受苦。耶稣把两处看似没有关联的经文放在一起:但以理书7章的人子和以赛亚书53章受苦的仆人。 |
The betrayal was a great evil and Jesus pronounces a prophetic woe upon the betrayer. The betrayal is a great evil under the all-wise rule and reign of God in the fulfillment of God’s predestined plan. Human evil cannot change God’s sovereign plan and God’s sovereign plan does not remove responsibility for the evil. Many people struggle to reconcile these two truths: God is sovereign and we are responsible. Two things help me here. First, I love what C. H. Spurgeon said about these two truths in Scripture. When someone asked him “how do you reconcile God’s sovereignty and human responsibility?” he replied, “there is no need to reconcile friends.” In other words, these truths are not competing truths at odds with unreconciled enmity. They are friends – complementary truths. Scripture declares that they belong together and should not be separated. Second, if you ask how, then I would say I would not be so arrogant as to tell you how they perfectly fit together. They are like two ropes that seem to run parallel up into the sky and they come together up there in the clouds of heaven in a way that makes perfect sense to God, even if we do not explain it perfectly. The secret things belong to the Lord our God, the revealed things belong to us. The fact that God is sovereign and we are responsible is part of the revealed things God has said to us. How they go together in perfect harmony is part of the secret things that God has not revealed in Scripture. |
卖主是极大的邪恶,耶稣先知性地宣告卖主的人有祸了。在完成上帝预定的计划时,背叛是在上帝全智全权统治下神预定计划完成过程中的极大罪恶。人类的邪恶无法改变上帝的主权计划,而上帝的主权计划也不会消除行恶者的责任。许多人都在努力调和这两个真理:上帝有至高无上的主权,和我们要负的责任。有两件事对我有帮助。首先,我喜欢司布真针对圣经中这两个真理所说的话。当有人问他“你如何调和上帝的主权和人类的责任?”他回答说,“朋友之间没有必要调解。”换句话说,这两个真理并不是非此即彼的真理,带着不和解的敌意互相冲突。它们是朋友 - 是互补的真理。圣经宣称它们属于一体,不应分开。其次,如果你问如何做呢,那么我会说我不会那么骄傲地来告诉你它们如何完美地融合在一起。它们就像是两条似乎平行上升到天空中的绳索,会聚在天堂的云层中,即使我们没有完美的解释,对上帝来说却是完全有意义的。隐秘的事属乎主我们的上帝,显明的事属于我们。显明的事其中有一部分就是上帝对我们所说的,上帝有至高主权,而我们要负责任。它们如何完美地和谐相处是上帝在圣经中没有揭示的隐秘之事的一部分。 |
3. Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial (v. 26-31) |
3.耶稣预言彼得不认自己(26-31节) |
26 And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. 27 And Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away, for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ 28 But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee.” 29 Peter said to him, “Even though they all fall away, I will not.” 30 And Jesus said to him, “Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” 31 But he said emphatically, “If I must die with you, I will not deny you.” And they all said the same. |
26 他们唱完了诗,就出来,往橄榄山去。 27 耶稣对他们说:“你们都要后退,因为经上记着:‘我要击打牧人, 羊群就分散了。’ 28 但我复活以后,要比你们先到加利利去。” 29 彼得对他说:“就算所有的人都后退,我却不会。” 30 耶稣对他说:“我实在告诉你,就在今天晚上,鸡叫两遍以前,你会三次不认我。” 31 彼得更坚决地说:“就算必须与你一同死,我也决不会不认你!” 众人也都这样说。 |
Notice that Mark says they sang a hymn. This is probably a reference to the singing of Psalms 116-118. That usually happened around midnight with the drinking of the fourth cup of wine. We have reached another time period chapter 13 told us to watch for with respect to the coming of the Son of Man: midnight (evening, midnight, rooster crowing, morning). |
注意马可说他们唱诗。这可能就是指吟诵诗篇116-118。那通常发生在午夜前后并喝第四杯酒。我们来到了13章告诉我们要警醒预备主来的时间点之一:午夜(晚上、半夜、鸡叫、清晨)。 |
Now Jesus predicts the desertion of the disciples. He tells them that they will all desert him and scatter. Both pieces of the bread talk about Scripture being fulfilled. The Son of Man will go as it is written of him (betrayal). Now Jesus says Scripture will be fulfilled when you scatter. But there is a note of hope. I will be struck. You will scatter. But I will be raised from the dead. Then I will go before you to Galilee. In other words, after I rise from the dead, I will gather you again. |
现在耶稣预言门徒们的遗弃。祂告诉他们,他们将抛下祂四处逃散。这个三明治式结构的上下两片面包说的都是经上所说的话要应验。人子要经受经上所写的(被出卖)。现在耶稣说当你们逃散的时候圣经就应验了。但是在此有一个希望的音符。我会被击打,你们要分散。但我要从死里复活。然后我要在你们之先到加利利。换句话说,我从死里复活之后要重新招聚你们。 |
There seems to be a blustery spiritual bravado that gets triggered here. Peter (as usual) is the first to voice what the others are feeling. Even if everyone else falls away, I will not. But now Jesus (at midnight) tells Peter about where the story will go when the rooster crows. By the time the rooster crows twice, you will have already denied me not once, not twice, but three times. |
在这里似乎有一种属灵的虚张声势夸夸其谈。彼得(像往常一样)是第一个表达别人感受的人。 即使其他人都后退了,我也不会。 但是现在耶稣(午夜时分)告诉彼得,当鸡叫时将会发生什么事。 当鸡叫两遍时,你已经否定了我不是一次,也不是两次,而是三次。 |
But Peter emphatically said he would rather die than deny Jesus. “And they all said the same thing.” They all respond with a spiritual bravado that says, “we are secure in our commitment and allegiance to you. Nothing could ever come along that could be greater than our commitment and resolve. |
但彼得强调说他宁愿死也不会不认耶稣。“众人也都这样说。”他们都在属灵上虚张声势地说:“我们有完全的把握绝对忠诚于你。没有什么能大过我们的承诺和决心。” |
Jesus knew what every single person was going to do. He knew the treachery. He knew the cowardice. He knew the unfaithful, fickleness in the heart of every disciple. And Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with them. Contrast the weak, unreliable disciples with the blood earnest, perfectly patient resolve of Jesus. |
耶稣知道他们中的每个人都要做什么。祂知道变节背叛。祂知道胆怯懦弱。祂知道每个门徒心中的不忠和善变。然而耶稣还是与他们一同庆祝最后的晚餐。与门徒软弱善变形成对比的是耶稣的热血丹心、坚忍意志。 |
1. Jesus Institutes the Last Supper (22-15) |
1.耶稣设立最后的晚餐(22-25节) |
22 And as they were eating, he took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” 23 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. 24 And he said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. 25 Truly, I say to you, I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” |
22 他们吃的时候,耶稣拿起饼来,祝谢了,就擘开,递给门徒,说:“你们拿去吃吧,这是我的身体。” 23 又拿起杯来,祝谢了就递给门徒,他们都喝了。 24 耶稣说:“这是我的血,是为立约的,为许多人流出来的。 25 我实在告诉你们,我决不再喝这葡萄酒,直到我在 神的国里喝新酒的那一天。” |
Mark has a laser focus on what we now call “the words of institution.” In other words, Jesus established the Lord’s Supper with these words. We have the action for the bread (take bread, break it, give it) and the words (take – this is my body). Then we have the action for the cup (took a cup, gave it, they drank of it) and the words of interpretation (this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many). |
马可专注于我们现在称之为“仪式的话语”。换句话说,耶稣用这些话建立了主的晚餐。 我们有饼的环节(拿饼,擘开,分发)和话语(拿着 - 这是我的身体)。 然后我们有杯的环节(拿杯,传递,他们喝了它)和解释的话语(这是我立约的血,为许多人流出)。 |
These words come after the Passover meal is in progress. Most people think it was between the drinking of the second and third cups of wine (Edwards, 425). There was a gap between the bread (14:22) and the cup (v. 23) during which they probably ate the meal. |
说这些话是在逾越节餐过程中。多数人认为那是在喝第二和第三杯酒之间(爱德华兹,425页)。在饼(22节)和杯(23节)之间有一个时间间隔,他们可能是在用餐。 |
Now we simply have to address a couple of misconceptions here. Some church traditions have taught that the elements physically become Jesus’ body and blood. There are two observations that make that interpretation extremely unlikely. First, Jesus says “this is my blood,” but he says it after the disciples have already drunk the wine from the cup (v. 23). In other words, the “is” means symbolic representation, not actual physical transformation. What you just drank really represents my blood poured out for you. Second, Greek grammar has a rule that if a word refers back to something it needs to match the form of the word it points back to. The demonstrative pronoun (this is my body/blood – v. 22, 24) is neuter, but bread or wine would be a masculine gender word. The neuter form of the pronoun “this” points back to the neuter word “body”. In other words, this points to the body of Jesus, not the bread and wine (Edwards, 426). |
现在我们需要解决一两个误解。 一些教会传统教导说,这饼和杯在实质上成为耶稣的身体和血液。 有两个观察结果使得这种解释极不可能。 首先,耶稣说“这是我的血”,但祂说这话是在门徒已经从杯中喝了酒之后(第23节)。 换句话说,“是”表示象征意义,而不是实际的物质转化。 你刚刚喝下的东西真的象征着我为你流出的血。 其次,希腊语语法有一个规则,即如果一个词指代的是某个词,它需要匹配它所指向的那个词的形式。 指示代词(这是我的身体/血 - 第22,24节)是个中性词,但饼或酒是阳性词。 指示代词“这”的中性形式指向中性词“身体”。 换句话说,这指向耶稣的身体,而不是饼和酒(爱德华兹,426页)。 |
Jesus can predict that Judas will betray him and Peter will deny him and all the disciples will leave him. He can even show that this was prophesied long ago in Scripture. But why? What is the divine design at work in Jesus’ rejection? |
耶稣可以预言犹大会背叛祂,彼得会不认祂,所有的门徒都会离开祂。 祂甚至可以证明这是在很久以前在圣经中预言的。 但为什么? 在耶稣的被拒绝中,神圣的设计是什么? |
Jesus interprets it for the disciples in pictorial form. He puts his death and resurrection into the symbols of the meal. As we look back at the Passover, let it point you forward to what I will do as its ultimate fulfillment. You are used to eating the bread – I can tell you now that the broken bread really represents my body, which will be broken. You are used to drinking the wine in the cup – I can tell you now that the wine that is poured out really represents the shedding of my blood – my blood of the covenant – the new covenant for the forgiveness of sins. That is what is happening here. |
耶稣以形像生动的形式为门徒解释它。 祂用这顿晚餐来象征祂的死和复活。 当我们回顾逾越节时,让它向你指出它最终的实现。 你习惯吃饼 - 我现在可以告诉你,破碎的饼真的代表了我的身体,它会被破碎。 你习惯在杯中喝葡萄酒 - 我现在可以告诉你,倒出的葡萄酒真的代表了我的血液流淌 - 我立约的血 - 赦罪的新约。 这就是这里所发生的事情。 |
The climax of the whole meal comes with Jesus words that his work is really a covenant – a bond in blood that will unite God and his people. The blood here is significant. Throughout the Old Testament sacrificial system, we learn that the life of a creature resides in its blood. Therefore, Jesus’ blood is a reference to his very life. |
整个晚餐的高潮伴随着耶稣的话语,祂的工作真的是一个圣约 - 血的联合,将使上帝和祂的子民联结在一起。这里的血很重要。在整个旧约献祭制度中,我们了解到一个生物的生命存在于它的血液中。因此,耶稣的血指的就是祂的生命。 |
Jesus’ life is the payment that will establish a new covenantal arrangement between God and his people. The reference to the “blood of the covenant” cannot be understood without reference to the old covenant. That covenant was established when Moses threw the blood on the people (Exod. 24:3-8). The covenant was sealed with the life of a sacrificial animal. But the prophets announced that a day would come when God would make a new covenant with his people (Jer. 31:31-34). Jesus says that the time the prophets predicted has now come. This new covenant is purchased and sealed with the lifeblood of the Lamb of God, slain for sinners. In fact, this blood is not simply thrown on the people (external picture), but they take it deep inside of themselves (drink it – internal). |
耶稣的生命就是要在上帝和他的子民之间建立新的圣约秩序。如果不参考旧约,就无法理解“立约的血”这个说法。当摩西向人们撒血时,圣约就建立了(出埃及记24:3-8)。圣约与献祭牺牲的生命封印在一起。但是先知宣布有一天上帝会与祂的百姓立新约(耶31:31-34)。耶稣说先知所预言的时刻到了。这个新约是用上帝羔羊的生命赎买和封印的,替罪人被杀。事实上,这种血不是简单地洒在人们身上(外在形式),而是将它深深吸收在灵魂里面(饮用它 - 内在)。 |
This blood is poured out for “many.” We have already heard these words before in Mark 10:45. Jesus said that the Son of Man had come “to give his life as a ransom for many.” Now it is going to be a reality. Just like in Mark 10:45, the word “many” is a reference back to Isaiah 53. The suffering servant “bore the sins of many and made intercession for the transgressors” (Isa 53:12). |
这血是为了“许多人”流出来的。我们之前在马可福音10:45已经听过这话了。 耶稣说人子来“为要舍命作多人的赎价。”现在它将成为现实。 就像马可福音10:45一样,“多人”这个词是对以赛亚书53章的回应。受苦的仆人“担当了多人的罪,又为罪犯代求”(以赛亚书53:12)。 |
Main point: Jesus was despised, rejected, and deserted as part of God’s sovereign plan for Jesus to purchase the new covenant. By his blood, Jesus has paid the price for our sins and brought us to God forever. |
要点:耶稣被鄙视,拒绝和抛弃,是作为上帝透过耶稣赎买新约的主权计划的一部分。 借着祂的血,耶稣为我们的罪付清了代价,并永远将我们带到了神面前。 |
Application |
应用 |
1. We never reach a point in our spiritual lives where we can say: I got this. |
1.我们在属灵生命中从来都达不到一个境界能够说:我做到了。 |
The first thing I want to address is our faulty sense of security and spiritual bravado. It keeps us from feeling the true miraculous nature of the grace that saves us and sustains us. |
我想说的第一件事是我们对安全的错觉和属灵的夸大。它让我们感觉不到那拯救我们并维系我们的那份恩典那种真实奇妙的属性。 |
Assurance should never deteriorate into prideful presumption and sinful arrogance that says, “I got this.” That should be the scariest response imaginable because “I got this” is the polar opposite of “I need you.” |
确信不应该变成骄傲的自以为是和罪恶的傲慢浮夸,说,“我做到了。”这应该是所能想象的最可怕的反应,因为“我做到了”与“我需要你”是两个相反的极端。 |
I want to do everything in my power to warn you against a false presumption that would cause you to coast in your spiritual life. Never presume. People who start to drift start to slip in their attention to the means of grace. They begin to feel like prayer and Bible reading and a daily walk with Jesus are optional – good, but not necessary. Genuine believers see these things not as optional, but as essential. They are not about arrogant spiritual accomplishments, but about desperate spiritual survival. They believe it even takes God’s grace to put us into a posture where we can receive God’s grace (he gives grace to the humble and opposes the proud). |
我想尽一切力量来警告你,不要因为错误的自以为是而导致你的属灵生命随波逐流。 永远不要自以为是。 开始随波逐流的人往往开始放松对恩典途径的注意。 他们开始觉得祷告和读经以及每天与耶稣同行都是可选的 - 是好事,但不是必要的。 真正的信徒认为这些东西不是可选的,而是必不可少的。 这不是关乎傲慢的属灵成就,而是关乎绝望的属灵生存。 他们相信,甚至需要上帝的恩典才能让我们能够接受上帝的恩典(祂赐恩给谦卑的人,敌挡骄傲的人)。 |
2. The Nature of the Lord’s Supper should Reinforce This Sense of Hunger and Need |
2.圣餐的特性应该强化这种饥渴的需要 |
None can come to the table and feel smugly self-secure. No one can claim that they made it here because of their merit or willpower or moral might. Apart from his grace, we would not stand. The only people at the table are those who boast in Christ, not themselves. |
没有人可以走到桌边而感到自鸣得意。 没有人可以声称他们是因为他们的自己功德,意志力或道德力量而在这里成功的。 没有祂的恩典,我们谁也站立不住。 能在桌上的人只是那些单单在基督里夸口而不是夸耀自己的人。 |
I want you to feel how poignant this picture is: Jesus has been trying to tell them again and again and again about his coming death and resurrection, but they have been blind as a bat. He tries again to convey to them what is about to happen. They hold the bread and the cup. They see it, touch it, smell it, taste it. But they still don’t see. They still don’t hear what he is saying. |
我想让你感受到这是多么令人酸楚一个画面:耶稣一直在试图一次又一次地告诉他们祂即将来临的死亡和复活,但他们却像蝙蝠一样盲目。 祂再次尝试向他们传达将要发生的事情。 他们拿着饼和杯。 他们看到它,触摸它,闻到它,品尝它。 但他们仍然没有看见。 他们仍然听不到祂在说什么。 |
The Lord’s Supper is a meal for sinners, not achievers. They all drank of it (v. 23). It is somewhat haunting to follow the use of the word “all” in this section. Even though they “all” swear that they will not fall away, they “all” fell away (v. 27) and they “all” fled (v. 50) from Jesus. It is obviously not a meal for those who merit it. The only prerequisite for the meal is need. People who eat and drink have to recognize their need for food and drink. Taking this meal means recognizing your need for Jesus’ body and blood to save you. |
主的晚餐是给罪人的餐,而不是给成就者的。 他们都喝了它(第23节)。 在本节中使用“全部”一词令人难忘。 即使他们“全部”发誓他们不会后退,他们“全部”都会后退(第27节)并且他们“全部”从耶稣身边逃走(第50节)。 这餐显然不是给配得者预备的。 这餐饭的唯一先决条件是需要。 吃喝的人必须认识到他们对食物和饮料的需求。 吃这餐意味着要认识到你需要耶稣的身体和血来拯救你。 |
We see a picture not only of the cross, but God’s perfect patience expressed in the cross. Paul said: |
我们看到的画面不仅是关于十字架,也是神完全的耐心在十字架中的表达。保罗说: |
15 The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. 16 But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life. |
15 “基督耶稣降世,为要拯救罪人。” 这话是可信的,是值得完全接纳的。在罪人中我是个罪魁。 16 可是,我竟然蒙了怜悯,好让基督耶稣在我这个罪魁身上,显明他完全的忍耐,给后来信他得永生的人作榜样。 |
Look at his perfect patience on display. He is eating with Judas. He is also eating with all who will desert him and leave him. He is the only one at the meal who knows exactly what is going to happen. He knows exactly what everyone will do – specifically do against him: betray him, deny him, desert him. Yet he continues to move to the cross without lashing out – no berating words, just words of truth spoken in love. |
看看祂展示的完美耐心。 祂和犹大一起吃饭。 祂也和所有会抛弃祂并离弃祂的人一起吃饭。 祂是唯一一个知道将要发生什么的人。 祂确切地知道每个人都会做什么 - 特别是反对祂:背叛祂,不认祂,抛弃祂。 然而祂继续走向十字架却没有抨击他们 - 没有任何谴责的言辞,只是在爱中说真理。 |
3. God’s sovereignty and our responsibility should deepen this sense of dependence. |
3.神的主权和我们的责任应该深化这种依赖的感觉 |
Divine sovereignty and human responsibility are both on display in this passage. We get a better glimpse of the unseen hand behind everything that is happening here. God’s hand is directing everything. The Scripture must be fulfilled. The Son of Man must go as it is written (v. 21). The shepherd will be struck and the sheep will scatter – just as it is written (v. 27). Jesus is carrying out the plan of the Father prophesied in Scripture. He will purchase salvation for his people. He is establishing a new covenant for the people of God. All the sacrifices in the old covenant were a shadow – the blood of bulls and goats can never take away sin. This is the once for all sacrifice that saves to the uttermost. |
这段经文展示了神的主权和人的责任。 我们可以更好地瞥见这里发生的所有事情背后看不见的手。 上帝的手指引着一切。 圣经必须应验。 人子必须经历经上所写的预言(第21节)。 牧人会被击打,羊群也会分散 - 正如经上所写的那样(第27节)。 耶稣正在执行圣经所预言的父神的计划。 祂将为祂的人民赎买救恩。 祂正在为上帝的子民建立一个新约。 旧约中的所有献祭都是影子 - 公牛和山羊的血永远不会带走罪恶。 这才是一次献上永远有效的牺牲。 |
Jesus affirms that it will go for him as it is written. God’s plan will certainly take place, but woe to the person who makes it take place. There is a difference between the fact (this will take place) and the act (the one who does the act). Jesus speaks of the fact of what will happen and then pronounces a woe on the one who does the act of betrayal. |
耶稣肯定了经上所写的必要发生。 上帝的计划肯定会发生,但对做成此事的人来说却是有祸了。 事情(这将发生)与做事情(做这事情的人)是不同的。 耶稣谈到将会发生什么事情,然后对做出背叛行为的人说有祸了。 |
Judas serves as such a staggering warning against presumption. Isn’t it amazing that none of the disciples had figured out something was off about Judas? When Jesus said, one of you will betray me, none of the disciples said: “it is Judas. I knew something was off about him.” He fit in with everyone else. He heard all of Jesus’ teaching. Saw all of Jesus’ miracles. He could talk the talk and look like he belonged there. But it was all a sham. If you feel smug and secure, take heed if you think you stand, lest you fall. |
犹大对于自以为是的人来说可以作为一个令人震惊的警告。 难道没有一个门徒弄清楚犹大的事情吗? 当耶稣说,你们中间有一个人会背叛我,没有一个门徒说:“这是犹大。 我知道有些关于他的事情。“他与他们别无二致。 他听到了耶稣的所有教导, 看见了所有耶稣的神迹。 他说的话看起来就像是属于他们一伙的。 但这完全是假的。 如果你感到自鸣得意,如果你认为自己站立得住,请注意,不要摔倒了。 |
Do you feel your need for Jesus and his sovereign grace? Consider the difference between Judas and Peter. All the disciples deserted Jesus, but Judas betrayed Jesus and Peter denied him repeatedly – even with an oath that called down a curse on himself. |
你觉得你需要耶稣和祂的主权恩典吗? 考虑一下犹大和彼得之间的区别。 所有的门徒都抛弃了耶稣,但是犹大背叛了耶稣,彼得一再不认祂 - 甚至赌咒发誓。 |
Both Judas and Peter felt remorse afterwards. Judas and Peter lamented and wept bitterly with sorrow. Judas returned the money and took his own life. Jesus went to Peter and restored him. Three times Peter denied and three times Jesus give him the chance to affirm his love for Jesus (do you love me, do you love me, do you love me?) |
犹大和彼得后来都感到懊悔。 犹大和彼得都哀叹痛哭。 犹大把钱扔还并自杀了。 耶稣去找彼得并恢复了他。 彼得三次不认主,耶稣给他三次机会肯定他对耶稣的爱(你爱我吗,你爱我吗,你爱我吗?) |
Luke’s Gospel highlights the work of Satan with respect to Judas and Peter. |
路加福音在犹大和彼得的事情上强调了撒但的工作。 |
Luke 22:3-6 |
路加福音22:3-6 |
3 Then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot, who was of the number of the twelve. 4 He went away and conferred with the chief priests and officers how he might betray him to them. 5 And they were glad, and agreed to give him money. 6 So he consented and sought an opportunity to betray him to them in the absence of a crowd. |
3 那时,撒但已经进入加略人犹大的心,他原是十二门徒中的一个。 4 他去与祭司长和守殿官商量怎样把耶稣交给他们。 5 他们很高兴,约定了给他银子。 6 他答应了,就寻找机会,要趁群众不在的时候,把耶稣交给他们。 |
Satan also demanded to have Peter. |
撒但也设法要得着彼得。 |
Luke 22:31-32 |
路加福音22:31-32 |
31 “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, 32 but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” |
31“西门,西门,撒但设法要得着你们,好筛你们像筛麦子一样; 32 但我已经为你祈求,叫你的信心不至失掉。你回头的时候,要坚固你的弟兄。” |
Given by God! |
神所赐的! |
John 17:6 |
约翰福音17:6 |
6 “I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world. Yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. |
6 “你从世上分别出来赐给我的人,我已经把你的名显明给他们了。他们是你的,你把他们赐给了我,他们也遵守了你的道。 |
Kept by Jesus! |
被耶稣保守! |
John 17:12 |
约翰福音17:12 |
12 While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me. I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled. |
12 我跟他们在一起的时候,因你赐给我的名,我保守了他们,也护卫了他们;他们中间除了那灭亡的人以外,没有一个是灭亡的,这就应验了经上的话。 |
Believer, do you feel how prone to wander you are? Do you feel the extent to which if you were left to yourself, you would not stand a chance? Take oaths all day long, swear allegiance, say you would never fall away – willpower is no match for the power of the world, the flesh, and the devil. |
基督徒,你觉得你很容易迷失吗? 你在多大程度上觉得如果神放手让你自己来,你就片刻也站立不住? 一整天赌咒发誓,宣誓效忠,说你永远不会退后? 你的意志力根本就与世界、肉体和魔鬼的力量无法匹敌。 |
Jesus must keep you. “Here’s my heart, O take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above!” |
耶稣必要保守你。“今将身心完全奉献,从今以后永属主。” |
Conclusion |
结语 |
Do not miss the announcement of the blessed hope. Two weeks ago was worship, last week was trust, this week the closing note is hope. Our hope cannot die. Jesus is our living hope, raised from the dead. No one can take our hope because no one can take away his victory. Jesus will drink it anew with us in the kingdom of God. All history is headed toward the time when we will eat and drink with Jesus in a new heavens and a new earth. The Last Supper on this fallen planet will give way to the First Supper in paradise together. |
不要错过蒙福的盼望。 我们两周前讲的是敬拜,上周讲的是信靠,本周结束的是盼望。 我们的盼望不能死。 耶稣是我们活的盼望,从死里复活。 没有人可以拿走我们的盼望,因为没有人可以夺走祂的胜利。 耶稣会在神的国里与我们一同喝酒。 整个历史将走向我们在新天新地与耶稣一同吃喝的时刻。 这个堕落星球上的最后晚餐将带来天国的第一顿晚餐。 |
That is why the words of institution say: “for as long as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes (death, resurrection, second coming). He is coming again. Will we be ready – standing on the promises (safe and secure) or sitting on the premises (smug and complacent)? |
这就是为什么圣餐仪式说:“只要你吃这饼喝这杯,就宣告主的死直到祂再来(死亡,复活,第二次降临)。 祂即将再来。 我们会做好准备 - 是立于神的应许之上(安全可靠),还是自以为是(自鸣得意和自大自满)? |
Sermon Discussion Questions |
讲道讨论问题 |
Sermon Text: Mark 14:17-31 |
讲道经文:马可福音14:17-31 |
Sermon Title: The Divine Design in the Rejection of Jesus |
讲道标题:耶稣被拒绝是神的设计 |
Main Point: Jesus was despised, rejected, and deserted as part of God’s sovereign plan for Jesus to purchase the new covenant. By his blood, Jesus has paid the price for our sins and brought us to God forever. |
要点:耶稣被鄙视,拒绝和抛弃,是作为上帝透过耶稣赎买新约的主权计划的一部分。 借着祂的血,耶稣为我们的罪付清了代价,并永远将我们带到了神面前。 |
Outline |
纲要 |
1. Jesus Predicts Judas’ Betrayal (17-21) |
1.耶稣预言犹大出卖自己(17-21节) |
2. Jesus Institutes the Last Supper (22-25) |
2.耶稣设立最后的晚餐(22-25节) |
3. Jesus Predicts Peters’ Denial (26-31) |
3.耶稣预言彼得不认自己(26-31节) |
Discussion Questions |
讨论问题 |
1. How does the sandwich structure of the passage help us interpret what is happening in this passage? |
1.这段经文的三明治结构如何帮助我们解读这段经文中所发生的事? |
2. How does this passage bring together the twin truths of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility? How do they fit together? |
2.这段经文如何把神的主权和人的责任这一对孪生真理放在一起?它们如何彼此相融? |
3. How does the Lord’s Supper symbolize that Jesus is establishing the new covenant? How is it both similar to and different from the covenant God made with Israel? |
3.主的晚餐如何象征耶稣在设立新约?它与神和以色列所立的约有何异同? |
4. Why is the Lord’s Supper clearly a meal not for achievers, but for sinners? |
4.为什么说主的晚餐显然不是为成就者预备,却是为罪人预备? |
5. How does this text speak against the sin of spiritual presumption and pride and false bravado? |
5.这段经文如何针对属灵骄傲和浮夸的罪? |
Application Questions |
应用问题 |
1. Where do you find apathy or a lack of diligence in your life? Are you awake to the danger of drifting? Are there places where you are saying “I got this,” instead of “Lord, I need you?” |
1.你发现自己生命中有什么地方冷淡了或不够勤奋?你是否警醒于迷失的危险?你有哪些地方说“我做到了”而不是说“主啊,我需要你?” |
2. How does the Lord’s Supper speak to you of the grace and perfect patience of Jesus? Can you believe once more that Jesus receives you in your sin the way he received the disciples with all of their false bravado and failures? |
2.主的圣餐如何向你说明耶稣的恩典和完全的耐心?你能否相信在你的罪中耶稣再一次地接纳你,正如祂接纳那些浮夸和失败中的门徒? |
3. What part of this message do you need to share with someone this week? |
3.这周的信息有哪个部分你觉得需要与他人分享? |
Prayer Focus |
祷告聚焦 |
Pray for a grace to receive the perfect love and patience of Jesus and pray for a grace to not take his grace for granted such that we drift into spiritual apathy and presumption. |
祈求恩典接受耶稣完全的爱与耐心,祈求恩典不要把祂的恩典想当然而让我们落入属灵的冷淡和自以为是。 |