

作者: Wendy说英语 | 来源:发表于2018-12-04 22:10 被阅读10次


    我们要正确处理自己和金钱的关系,不要像一般人,眼里只看到利益和金钱,如果能从逐利的困局中走出来,关注自己的使命和梦想,不断提升自己,关注自己能为这个社会做些什么,能在这个世界上产生什么样的影响力, 你将拥有更长远的眼光和更大的格局,你也将正确利用金钱这个有力的工具,去完成自己的使命,而当你完成你的使命时,成功和金钱自然会追随你。而在没有实现你的梦想和使命之前,我们只有不断学习,觉醒的百万富翁永不停止成长,进步重塑,永远准备发现!

    The right relations between you and your money

    It is proposed in the book A MANIFESTO FOR THE SPIRITUAL WEALTH MOVEMENT that all the real millionairs are driven by their vision and goals. They don't just pursue money, but realize the best relation between themselves and money is to make full use of the money they have to help them achieve their goals and vision. When you focus on and work hard for your vision, miracles will happen. I totally agree with the author that when money is not the only thing we care about, and when we are driven by passion and vision, we tend to be more dedicated to the things we are doing. When you have done something exceptionally well and perfectly, money and success will automatically follow you and all doors will open for you.

    If we are not like the other ordinary  people who are money-oriented, we can jump out from the vicious circle and concentrate on our dream and vision to try to fulfill our obligation for the society and make a demonstrable impact on this world. That means you have already gained more perspectives and will use your money reasonably to fulfill your dream. And when you have done that, success and money will always by your side. However, before you become successful, you need to keep learning, because real milliionairs would never ever stop learning and progressing to be singled out one day or to shine in their fields.



