

作者: 舒己怀_Frank | 来源:发表于2021-03-13 04:39 被阅读0次


  1. 《怪诞行为学》,丹·艾瑞里著,赵德亮、夏蓓洁译,中信出版社,2008

  2. 《智能的结构》,霍华德·加德纳著,沈致隆译,中国人民大学出版社,2008

  3. 《安静: 内向性格的竞争力》,苏珊·凯恩著,高洁译,中信出版社,2012

  4. The ecology of human development: experiments by nature and design.by Bronfenbrenner, U. (1996). Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.

  5. 《林间最后的小孩 : 拯救自然缺失症儿童 》,(理查德·洛夫著,王西敏译,中国发展出版社,2014

  6. Out of our minds: turning the tide of anti-intellectualism in American schools (Second edition, revised edition). by Howley, C. B., Howley, A., & Pendarvis, E. D. (2016).Waco, Texas: Prufrock Press Inc.

  7. The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America. by Chua, A., & Rubenfeld, J. (2014). Penguin.

  8. 《优秀的绵羊》,威廉·德雷谢维奇著,林杰译,九州出版社,2016

  9. The conditions of learning (Third Edition). by Gagné, R. (1977). New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

  10. Human learning (3rd ed). by Ormrod, J. E. (1999). Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill.

  11. 《异类:不一样的成功启示录》,马尔科姆·格拉德威尔著,季丽娜译,中信出版社,2009

  12. Made to stick: why some ideas survive and others die (1st ed). by Heath, C., & Heath, D. (2007). New York: Random House.

  13. 《认识媒体:人的延伸》,马歇尔·麦克卢汉著,郑明萱译,猫头鹰出版社,2015

  14. Perspectives on activity theory. by Engeström, Y., Miettinen, R., & Punamäki-Gitai, R.-L. (Eds.). (1999). Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.

  15. 《设计心理学》,唐纳德·A·诺曼著,梅琼译,中信出版社,2010

  16. Don’t make me think, revisited: a common sense approach to Web usability (Third edition). by Krug, S. (2014). Berkeley, Calif.: New Riders.

  17. The non-designers design book: design and typographic principles for the visual novice (2nd ed). by Williams, R. (2004). Berkeley, Calif: Peachpit Press.

  18. 《怦然心动的人生整理魔法》,近藤麻理惠著,徐明中译,译林出版社,2012

  19. 《完美的混乱》,埃里克·亚伯拉罕森著,韩晶译,中信出版社,2008

  20. 《创新的扩散》,E.M.罗杰斯著,唐兴通、郑常青、张延臣译,电子工业出版社,2016

  21. 《影响力》,科里·帕特森、约瑟夫·格雷尼、大卫·麦克斯菲尔德、让·麦克米兰、艾尔·斯维斯勒著,彭静译,湛庐文化,2008

  22. The Pull of the Earth: Participatory Ethnography in the School Garden.by Thorp, L., Brooks, D., & Small, K. (2005).Lanham: AltaMira Press.

  23. The Oz Principle: Getting results through individual and organizational accountability. by Connors, R., Smith, T., & Hickman, C. (1998).Penguin.

  24. 《坚毅 : 释放激情与坚持的力量》,安杰拉·达克沃思著,安妮译,中信出版集团,2017

  25. 《精要主义》,格雷戈·麦吉沃恩著,邵信芳译,浙江人民出版社,2016

  26. Cultivating curiosity in K-12 classrooms: how to promote and sustain deep learning. by Ostroff, W. L. (2016). Alexandria, Virginia: ASCD.

  27. 《教书匠》,弗兰克·迈考特著,张敏译,南海出版公司,2016

  28. 《驱动力》,丹尼尔·平克著,龚怡屏译,中国人民大学出版社,2012

  29. Empathy: Why it matters, and how to get it (Reprint edition). by Krznaric, R. (2015).TarcherPerigee.

  30. 《当我谈跑步时,我谈些什么》,村上春树著,施小炜译,南海出版公司,2009



