popped one's clogs
give up the ghost
kicked the bucket
fall off one's perch
bite the dust
a sore point/spot
释义:a subject which someone would prefer not to talk about because it makes them angry or embarrassed——难言之隐
例句:Try not to mention baldness while he's here - it's a sore spot for him.
give someone a taste/dose of their medicine
释义:do the same bad thing to someone that they have done to you in order to show them how unpleasant it is——以其人之道还治其人之身
例句:Refusing to lend him money now would give him a taste of his own medicine - he's never lent you any.
a bitter pill to swallow
释义:unpleasant,but has to be accepted——不得不面对的
例句:Losing my job was initially a bitter pill to swallow.
sugar the pill
释义:do sth to make sth unpleasant more acceptable——让某些不愉悦的事情更容易被接受
例句:The boss has sugared the overtime pill by offering a large extra payment.
have itchy feet
释义:want to travel or move on——世界很大,我想去看看
例句:I can't stay in one place for more than a year without getting itchy feet.