68.The Crisis of Retail

作者: 法雲 | 来源:发表于2017-04-25 20:03 被阅读2次

    e-commerce: 电子商务
    猩球崛起:Rise of the planet of the plant of the apes
    when it comes to:当谈起…的时候
    account for:为….负责;是...的原因
    ritual: 仪式 习俗['rɪtʃʊəl]
    iconic: 图标的 形象的aɪ'kɒnɪk]
    multiply: 增加['mʌltɪplaɪ]
    dramatic: 急剧的[drə'mætɪk]
    catalogue 分类['kæt(ə)lɒg]
    tangible 有形的 实在的['tæn(d)ʒɪb(ə)l]
    macroeconomic: 宏观经济['mækrəʊ,iːkə'nɒmɪk]
    fuel: 刺激[fjʊəl]
    empowered: 授权的[ɪm'paʊə]
    stagnate: 停滞[stæg'neɪt;]
    propensity: 倾向 习性[prə'pensɪtɪ]
    densification 密度化[,densifi'keiʃən]
    proportion 比例[prə'pɔːʃ(ə)n]
    throw-away culture 快餐文化
    keep up with the Joneses ['dʒəunziz]美语赶时髦 攀比
    empire n. 帝国['empaɪə]
    immense 巨大的[ɪ'mens]



    • Obviously e-commerce are said to have ‘disrupted’ retail and changed consumer expectations.电商改变了人们的购物习惯
    • Internet has brought about new business models that transform ownership into services: rather than owning a car, you can rent a chauffeured car as a service。商业模式从所有权变成使用权,比如买车不如租车。
    • Macroeconomic trends are also to blame:Higher income inequalities are not a good thing for retail because the super rich have a lower propensity to consume.宏观经济现状就是贫富差距大,意味着巨富和穷人更多,而这两者的购买力是很弱的。
    • Shopping doesn’t generate status anymore。购物不再是地位的象征,不再需要攀比。
    • Shopping has just become boring: the standardized mass-consumption experience of retail stands in sharp contrast with the personalized experience users have online.购物变得无聊了,商店没办法咯和网购一样个人定制一般。
    • Consumers suffer from choice fatigue。顾客选择疲劳,一些商店花样太多。



        本文标题:68.The Crisis of Retail
